Here you can find an introduction to the Dynamic discovery of static opinions application.
This video shows the full, R-empowered, model at work, but on this page you can also find a specific online applet. Read below to get further details.
The applet requires Java 5 or higher. Java must be enabled in your browser settings. Mac users must have Mac OS X 10.4 or higher. Windows and Linux users may obtain the latest Java from Oracle's Java site.
powered by NetLogo
view/download model file: dynamic_discovery_of_static_opinions_r-less-version.nlogo
view/download full version R-empowered model file: dynamic_discovery_of_static_opinions.nlogo
The original version of this model is empowered by the use of the statistical tool R. The online version you are seeing is restricted and modified so to avoid it and thus has some different features: see all the other information in this tab to get further details.
The full version (requiring R) of this model is available at
An online applet of this model, coming with a description and a commentary of the experiment results, can be found at
To have an idea of how the full version would look like, you may want to refer to a demonstrative video:
This model wants to explore the possibility of using a neural network, implementend in R, to create an artificial intelligence able to recognize the color of agents starting from their features, a list of properties some of which are determined on breed basis.
The agents roam the world exchanging information with each other. Every time a piece of knowledge is grabbed, it is stored in a common memory system, a matrix keeping track of the various contributions.
Each period, whose lenght is to be set by the user, the neural networks are instructed using the data since gathered and try to label every agent only looking at their properties.
Details on how a neural network actually works may be found at
This model requires R. As already said, a R-less version of the model is also available online here, but the best choice is to download (it’s free) and install R on your computer.
Details on how install R, Rserve and the Rserve extension for NetLogo are available at:
Basically, hit setup and then go.
Due to the number of possible options, there are quite a few controls customizable by the user, some exclusive to this verion, while others not available.
Slider howManyTurtles: the total numbers of agents.
Switch isRandom?: whether the agents should be distributed among breeds casually or following a fixed ratio.
Slider greenTurtlesQuota: the percent of the total to be green turtles (the remaining will be red), used only if isRandom? is set to On.
Counters Greens and Reds: how many turtles of each breed are created.
Sliders red-comm-prob and green-comm-prob: the probability that agents of that breed would update the memory matrices: the control rely on the listening side.
Chooser timeInterval: how much, in ticks, should the learning process last; at the end, proceed with the mapping.
Input rnd-seed: make the user able to change the random seed used by NetLogo. Shows the current random seed used.
Switch new-seed-on-setup?: enable the user to lock the random seed used by NetLogo or to change it with every new setup.
Graph Dimension of information matrices: the number of rows used in every matrices and their trend evolution.
Buttons Look for similars and Avoid others: the segregation procedures, acting on how the breeds labelled the whole world basis.
Switches reuse-green-weights? and reuse-red-weights?: handle the choice of the initial set of weights of the neural network; if set to On, the already optimized last set of weights found will be used as initial set.
Monitors %Green labelling greens, %Green labelling reds, %Red labelling greens and %Red labelling reds: how many, out of the total, agents are correctly labeled by what breed.
The speed of filling the matrix depends far more from the probability of communication than from the number of agents.
The dimension of the matrices is set to a standard number of agents * 20; if the probability of communication is too high, this limit is reached fast.
The predctions on green agents are always better than the predictions on red agents. This is due to a slightly better prediction of the vector (1, 0) over the vector (0, 1) and to the structure itself of the forecasting control:
set seenByRed ifelse-value ((first tmpRes) < (last tmpRes)) [red][green]
set seenByGreen ifelse-value ((first tmpRes) < (last tmpRes)) [red][green]
The green color is the residual case; this pushes up the total number of green predictions, along with their goodness.
There are a lot of options: try them!
Also, experiment with number of relevant variables and with the weight reuse controls; if you are lucky, you may observe the arise of the absolute prejudice, a stable convergence to a certain good prediction ratio never changiong no matter how many data are added.
Modify the above mentioned forecast control to set a color actually forecasted only if the result predicted by the neural network is within a given confidence interval and keep track of the errors.
Use Monte-Carlo methods to determine the coefficient of relation between number of rows used and prediction goodness.
Implement a control for the R random seed.
Modify the kind of properties: no more binary values, go with Reals.
This model has been published online at, where an online R-less restricted version is available. A working full model video is also available on YouTube
A huge thank you has to go to my instructor and professor, Pietro Terna, without whom nothing of this project would ever saw the light.
He has his online fortress at
Copyright 2013 Andrè Casalis
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. To view a copy of this license, visit or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain View, California, 94041, USA.
Andrè Casalis @
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; EXTENSION (rserve and matrix) ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; extensions[rserve matrix] ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; GLOBALS, BREEDS, TURTLES-OWN and LINKS-OWN ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; globals [ ;; Counters of rows used for each matrix greenFromGreenRows greenFromRedRows redFromRedRows redFromGreenRows ;; Fixed dimensions of matrix (to be computed) greenMatDim redMatDim ;; Percentages of correct predictions (showed in interface) greenCorrectPredictionsOfGreen greenCorrectPredictionsOfRed redCorrectPredictionsOfGreen redCorrectPredictionsOfRed ;; Number of properties of each agent numberOfProperties ;; Matrices of observations (created over-dimensioned and filled step by step) redFromRedInfo redFromGreenInfo greenFromRedInfo greenFromGreenInfo ;; Coefficient used to sed the time interval timeControl ;; Once user-input, now only for code consistency reuse-red-weights? reuse-green-weights? ] breed[reds aRed] breed[greens aGreen] turtles-own[properties seenByGreen seenByRed] ;; Vector of properties and how the agent is seen by the collective intelligencies. links-own[index value] ;; The position and the value of the information exchanged ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; STARTUP PROCEDURE ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to startup set rnd-seed new-seed end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; SETUP PROCEDURE ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to setup ca if (new-seed-on-setup?) [ set rnd-seed new-seed ] if (abs rnd-seed) > 2147483648 [ set rnd-seed new-seed ] ;; Check the value of the random seed: if out of limits, choose a proper value. random-seed rnd-seed ;; Seed the random number generator. ;if (not rserve-init) [ stop ] ;; Clean connect to R (reset memory, clean all weights) and stop if Rserve is not running NOT USED IN THIS ONLINE VERSION set timeControl 1 ;; Used in the GO procedure set numberOfProperties 10 ;; Default, modify the parameter to increase the vector make-agents ;; Create agents init-matrices ;; Create matrices full of -1 reset-ticks end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Internal SETUP procedures ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to init-matrices ;; Create the oversized matrices (to be able to fill them, rather than inserting new rows) set greenMatDim round (count greens * 20) ;Dimension of the matrices set redMatDim round (count reds * 20) set greenFromGreenRows 0 ;; Counters: 0 by default, but clearer and also set redFromGreenRows 0 ;; getting rid of problems when "resetup" the model. set greenFromRedRows 0 set redFromRedRows 0 ;; Name of the matrix full of constants num of rows num of columns constant set greenFromGreenInfo matrix:make-constant greenMatDim (numberOfProperties + 1) -1 set redFromGreenInfo matrix:make-constant greenMatDim (numberOfProperties + 1) -1 set greenFromRedInfo matrix:make-constant redMatDim (numberOfProperties + 1) -1 set redFromRedInfo matrix:make-constant redMatDim (numberOfProperties + 1) -1 end to-report rserve-init ;; A clean connection to R (clearing all variables). if rserve:isConnected [rserve:close] ;; No error if Rserve not running carefully [ rserve:init 6311 "localhost" ] [user-message "Rserve is not running!" report false] ;; Catch the error, return false ad stop the setup. rserve:clear ;; Clear all the variables (if we want to reuse weights, the matrices from the previous running have to be deleted). rserve:eval "library(nnet)" ;; Load the library only once, here. report true ;; All went well. end to make-agents let numOfGreens ifelse-value (isRandom?) ;; The total number of turtles is set by user and then [round (howManyTurtles * random-float 1)] ;; => randomly set the number of green turtles [ round (howManyTurtles * greenTurtlesQuota)] ;; => OR the "set quota" slider is used. let numOfReds howManyTurtles - numOfGreens ;; Red turtles number is found by subtraction. set-default-shape turtles "person" ;; They are all Gallifreyans! make-reds numOfReds make-greens numOfGreens end to make-reds [n] create-reds n [ ;; Set color, put randomly in the space e create the properties. set color red setxy random-xcor random-ycor create-properties ; On-Line version code only set seenByRed ifelse-value (random-float 1 < reds-see-red) [red][green] set seenByGreen ifelse-value (random-float 1 < greens-see-red) [red][green] ] end to make-greens [n] create-greens n [ ;; Set color, put randomly in the space e create the properties. set color green setxy random-xcor random-ycor create-properties ; On-Line version code only set seenByRed ifelse-value (random-float 1 < reds-see-green) [green][red] set seenByGreen ifelse-value (random-float 1 < greens-see-green) [green][red] ] end to create-properties ;; TURTLE ENVIRONMENT: create the vector of properties of each agent set properties [] ;; Turtle-own variable let numOfRelevant 0 let valueOfRelevant 0 ifelse (color = red) ;; Determine how many relevant variables there are (on breed basis) [ set numOfRelevant howManyRelevantR ] [ set numOfRelevant howManyRelevantG set valueOfRelevant 1 ;; Greens have 1 as relevant value, reds 0 (the default value) ] repeat (numberOfProperties - numOfRelevant) [ set properties lput (random 2) properties ] ;; Non relevant properties set radomly repeat numOfRelevant [set properties fput valueOfRelevant properties] ;; Relevant ones setting. end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; GO PROCEDURE ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to go move ;; Simple as it looks like. check-neighbors ;; Creation of links conveying data. update-agents ;; Reading links and updating matrices tick if (ticks = timeControl * timeInterval) ;; Check if the time interval is that to map agents. [ set timeControl timeControl + 1 ;map-world ;; Internal procedure: map all agents. NOT CALLED IN THE ONLINE VERSION stop ] end to move ask turtles[ rt random 360 fd 1 ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Internal GO procedures ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to check-neighbors ;; Create links to communicate with other turtles ask turtles with [other turtles-here != nobody] [ ;; Only the turtles with other agents on the same patch let tmpIndex random (numberOfProperties) ;; Return a number [0, numberOfProperties -1]; it's an index, so it's all good. let tmpValue item tmpIndex properties ;; The value in that position. create-links-to (other turtles-here) ;; The same value communicated to all the other agents [ set color [color] of myself ;; For clarity sake set index tmpIndex ;; Link-own attribute set value tmpValue ;; Link-own attribute ] ] check-matrices ;; Prudential control on limit number of rows used end to check-matrices if ( ;; Control on number of rows already used plus the relevant number of links. ;; Strictly right only if the probability of communication is 1, otherwise prudential. (greenFromRedRows + count (links with [([color] of end2) = red and color = green]) >= redMatDim - 1) or (redFromRedRows + count (links with [([color] of end2) = red and color = red]) >= redMatDim - 1) or (greenFromGreenRows + count (links with [([color] of end2) = green and color = green]) >= greenMatDim - 1) or (redFromGreenRows + count (links with [([color] of end2) = green and color = red]) >= greenMatDim - 1)) [ ;; Sort of clear-all routine. ;map-world ;; To not waste data, use them to map a last time the agents. NOT USED IN THIS ONLINE VERSION reset-ticks ;; Reset the ticks counter set timeControl 1 ;; Reset the cycle counter set greenFromRedRows 0 ;; Reset all counters. set redFromRedRows 0 set greenFromGreenRows 0 set redFromGreenRows 0 set greenFromGreenInfo matrix:plus-scalar (matrix:times-scalar greenFromGreenInfo 0) -1 ;; Multiply each element times 0 and subtract 1: set redFromGreenInfo matrix:plus-scalar (matrix:times-scalar redFromGreenInfo 0) -1 ;; i.e. reset all the values in each matrix to -1 set greenFromRedInfo matrix:plus-scalar (matrix:times-scalar greenFromRedInfo 0) -1 set redFromRedInfo matrix:plus-scalar (matrix:times-scalar redFromRedInfo 0) -1 ] end to update-agents ;; Read links and update the matrices. ask turtles with [count my-in-links > 0] [ ;; All turtles with incoming links. let comm-prob ifelse-value (color = red) [red-comm-prob] [green-comm-prob] ;; Set the relevant value of communication probability. while [count my-in-links > 0] [ ;; Cycle all the links of each turtle. let aLinkToMe one-of my-in-links ;; Select a link. let otherIndex [index] of aLinkToMe ;; Extract the index of the property of the other turtle. let otherValue [value] of aLinkToMe ;; Extract the value of the property of the other turtle. let otherColor [color] of aLinkToMe ;; Extract the color of the other turtle. let myValue item otherIndex properties ;; The value of the same-index agent property. if ((random-float 1) < comm-prob) [ update-memory otherIndex otherValue otherColor ] ;; Call the instructions to update memory. ask aLinkToMe [ die ] ;; Delete the link and start over (if there are more of them). ] ;; End while ] ;; End ask end to update-memory [otherIndex otherValue otherColor] let dataMatrix "" let numOfObs 0 ;; Number of rows used. ifelse otherColor = color ;; link color = agent color => info are about the same breed [ ifelse color = red [set dataMatrix redFromRedInfo set numOfObs redFromRedRows] [set dataMatrix greenFromGreenInfo set numOfObs greenFromGreenRows] ] [ ;; link color != agent color => info about other breed ifelse color = red [set dataMatrix greenFromRedInfo set numOfObs greenFromRedRows] [set dataMatrix redFromGreenInfo set numOfObs redFromGreenRows] ] ;; List of all the agents contributing to the matrix let allIDs reverse ( matrix:get-column dataMatrix numberOfProperties ) ;; The row number of agent's last contribution let myLastIndex ifelse-value (position who allIDs != false) [length allIDs - 1 - (position who allIDs)] [""] ;; The row-values of agent last contribution let myLastRow ifelse-value (myLastIndex != "") [matrix:get-row dataMatrix myLastIndex] [""] ;; Value in to-be-updated position let myLastValue ifelse-value (myLastRow != "") [item otherIndex myLastRow] [""] ifelse ( (myLastIndex = "") or ;; No row to update at all OR already updated (so, not -1) with a different value ( (myLastValue != -1 ) and (myLastValue != otherValue) ) ) [ let tmpResults (fill-new-row myLastRow otherIndex otherValue dataMatrix numOfObs) ;; Reporter: report a list [updatedMatrix updatedCounter] set dataMatrix first tmpResults ;; Get the filled matrix set numOfObs last tmpResults ;; Get the updated counter ] [ matrix:set dataMatrix myLastIndex otherIndex otherValue ] ;; Update last row with the new value, no new row inserted. ifelse otherColor = color [ ;; link color = agent color => info about same breed ifelse color = red [set redFromRedInfo dataMatrix set redFromRedRows numOfObs] [set greenFromGreenInfo dataMatrix set greenFromGreenRows numOfObs] ] [ ;; link color != agent color => info about other breed ifelse color = red [set greenFromRedInfo dataMatrix set greenFromRedRows numOfObs] [set redFromGreenInfo dataMatrix set redFromGreenRows numOfObs] ] end to-report fill-new-row [myLastRow otherIndex otherValue dataMatrix numOfObs] if (myLastRow != "") [ ;; There is a previous contribution, so I copy those values in the new used row. while [length myLastRow > 0] [ ;; I update each value of the new row with the last values let tmpIndex (numberOfProperties + 1) - (length myLastRow) ;; Iterate from 0 to 10 (because with length 0 while-cycle skips) matrix:set dataMatrix numOfObs tmpIndex (first myLastRow) ;; Update the value with the first element of the list. set myLastRow butfirst myLastRow ;; Get rid of the first element of the list. ] ;; End while ] ;; End if ;; There is no a previous row to copy, I just fill-in a new one from scratch matrix:set dataMatrix numOfObs otherIndex otherValue ;; Update the property of interest. matrix:set dataMatrix numOfObs numberOfProperties who ;; Update the id of the agent (superflous if the new row is the copy of a previous row.) report list dataMatrix (numOfObs + 1) ;; Report the values as a list. end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; SEGREGATION PROCEDURES ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to move-from-different ;; Agents want to put space between them and those they see as different let greenTurtlesToBeMoved greens with [ any? (other turtles with [seenByGreen != green] in-radius 3) ] ;; Greens seeing reds near them. let redTurtlesToBeMoved reds with [ any? (other turtles with [seenByRed != red] in-radius 3) ] ;; Reds seeing greens near them. let turtlesToBeMoved (turtle-set greenTurtlesToBeMoved redTurtlesToBeMoved) ;; Create a unique agentset let i 0 ;; Safety switch: if there are labelling errors, the while cycle would be and infinite loop. while [count turtlesToBeMoved > 0 and i < 1000][ ask turtlesToBeMoved [ let otherTurtle ifelse-value (color = green) [ one-of other turtles in-radius 3 with [seenByGreen != green] ] [ one-of other turtles in-radius 3 with [seenByRed != red] ] if (otherTurtle != nobody) [ face otherTurtle rt 180 fd 1 ] ;; Face the opposte direction of one of the unwanted turtles and go away. ] ;; End ask set greenTurtlesToBeMoved greens with [ any? (other turtles with [seenByGreen != green] in-radius 3) ] set redTurtlesToBeMoved reds with [ any? (other turtles with [seenByRed != red] in-radius 3) ] set turtlesToBeMoved (turtle-set greenTurtlesToBeMoved redTurtlesToBeMoved) ;; Update the set of unhappy turtles. set i i + 1 ;; Rise the loop counter ] ;; End while print (word "Happy agents are the " ( (precision ((howManyTurtles - count turtlesToBeMoved) / howManyTurtles) 2) * 100 ) "% of the total") ;; To have an idea. end to move-to-similar ;; Run to turtles seen as similars let greenTurtlesToBeMoved greens with [ not any? (other turtles with [seenByGreen = green] in-radius 1) ] ;; Lonely greens let redTurtlesToBeMoved reds with [ not any? (other turtles with [seenByRed = red] in-radius 1) ] ;; Lonely reds let turtlesToBeMoved (turtle-set greenTurtlesToBeMoved redTurtlesToBeMoved) ;; Create a unique agentset let i 0 ;; Safety switch: if there are labelling errors, the while cycle would be and infinite loop. while [count turtlesToBeMoved > 0 and i < 1000][ ask turtlesToBeMoved [ let otherTurtle ifelse-value (color = green) [ min-one-of other (turtles with [seenByGreen = green]) [distance myself] ] [ min-one-of other (turtles with [seenByRed = red]) [distance myself] ] if (otherTurtle != nobody) [ face otherTurtle fd 1 ] ;; Face the nearest seen-as-similar turtle and move towards it. ] ;; End ask set greenTurtlesToBeMoved greens with [ not any? (other turtles with [seenByGreen = green] in-radius 1) ] set redTurtlesToBeMoved reds with [ not any? (other turtles with [seenByRed = red] in-radius 1) ] set turtlesToBeMoved (turtle-set greenTurtlesToBeMoved redTurtlesToBeMoved) set i i + 1 ;; Rise the loop counter ] ;; End while end ;;; ALL THE CODE BELOW IS UNUSED IN THIS ONLINE REDUCED VERSION OF THE MODEL ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; INTERNAL: R-RELATED CODE AND PROCEDURES ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to map-world ;; Instrumental, call the breed-specific update procedures and update the monitors. if(redFromRedRows > 0) and (greenFromRedRows > 0) [ redBreed-mapping ] ;; Useful if the probability of communicate is very low and if (greenFromGreenRows > 0) and (redFromGreenRows > 0) [ greenBreed-mapping ] ;; the time-span minimum: a matrix may have zero contributions update-percentages end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Find weights for each breed ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to find-red-weights ;; Transform matrices in lists let tmpRedFromRed matrix:to-column-list (matrix:submatrix redFromRedInfo 0 0 redFromRedRows numberOfProperties) let tmpGreenFromRed matrix:to-column-list (matrix:submatrix greenFromRedInfo 0 0 greenFromRedRows numberOfProperties) rserve:putlist "redFromRed" tmpRedFromRed rserve:putlist "greenFromRed" tmpGreenFromRed ;; Break in two steps the creation of the input matrix. rserve:eval "redInput1 <- matrix(unlist(greenFromRed), ncol=10)" rserve:eval "redInput2 <- matrix(unlist(redFromRed), ncol=10)" rserve:eval "redInput <- rbind(redInput1, redInput2)" rserve:eval ( word "redOutput <- cbind(c(rep(c(1,0)," greenFromRedRows "),rep(c(0,1)," redFromRedRows ")))" ) rserve:eval "redOutput <- matrix(redOutput,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)" ;; Implement the reuse of weights. let tmpCodeStr1 "" let tmpCodeStr2 "redWeights <- nnet(x=redInput, y=redOutput, size=6, maxit=1000, trace=FALSE)" let tmpCodeStr3 "" if (reuse-red-weights?) [ ;; Create a control in R, so that even the first cycle is fine (because there are no old weights). set tmpCodeStr1 "if(exists('redWeights')) { redWeights <- nnet(x=redInput, y=redOutput, Wts=redWeights$wts, size=6, maxit=1000, trace=FALSE) }else{" set tmpCodeStr3 "}" ] rserve:eval (word tmpCodeStr1 tmpCodeStr2 tmpCodeStr3) ;; Create the weights -red breed. end to find-green-weights ;; Transform matrices in lists let tmpGreenFromGreen matrix:to-column-list (matrix:submatrix greenFromGreenInfo 0 0 greenFromGreenRows numberOfProperties) let tmpRedFromGreen matrix:to-column-list (matrix:submatrix redFromGreenInfo 0 0 redFromGreenRows numberOfProperties) rserve:putlist "greenFromGreen" tmpGreenFromGreen rserve:putlist "redFromGreen" tmpRedFromGreen ;; Break in two steps the creation of the input matrix. rserve:eval "greenInput1 <- matrix(unlist(greenFromGreen), ncol=10)" rserve:eval "greenInput2 <- matrix(unlist(redFromGreen), ncol=10)" rserve:eval "greenInput <- rbind(greenInput1, greenInput2)" rserve:eval ( word "greenOutput <- cbind(c(rep(c(1,0)," greenFromGreenRows "),rep(c(0,1)," redFromGreenRows ")))" ) rserve:eval "greenOutput <- matrix(greenOutput,ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)" ;; Implement the reuse of weights. let tmpCodeStr1 "" let tmpCodeStr2 "greenWeights <- nnet(x=greenInput, y=greenOutput, size=6, maxit=1000, trace=FALSE)" let tmpCodeStr3 "" if (reuse-green-weights?) [ ;; Create a control in R, so that even the first cycle is fine (because there are no old weights). set tmpCodeStr1 "if(exists('greenWeights')) { greenWeights <- nnet(x=greenInput, y=greenOutput, Wts=greenWeights$wts, size=6, maxit=1000, trace=FALSE) }else{ " set tmpCodeStr3 "}" ] rserve:eval (word tmpCodeStr1 tmpCodeStr2 tmpCodeStr3) ;; Create the weights -green breed. end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Map the agents on breed basis ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to redBreed-mapping find-red-weights ask turtles [ rserve:putlist "tmpToBePredicted" properties let tmpRes rserve:get "predict(redWeights, unlist(tmpToBePredicted))" ;; Predict and get the result. set seenByRed ifelse-value ((first tmpRes) < (last tmpRes)) [red][green] ;; Store the result in the "As Reds see me" attribute. ;set seenByRed "tmpRes" ] end to greenBreed-mapping find-green-weights ask turtles [ rserve:putlist "tmpToBePredicted" properties let tmpRes rserve:get "predict(greenWeights, unlist(tmpToBePredicted))" ;; Predict and get the result. set seenByGreen ifelse-value ((first tmpRes) < (last tmpRes)) [red][green] ;; Store the result in the "As Greens see me" attribute. ;set seenByRed "tmpRes" ] end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ; Update monitors ; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; to update-percentages ;; % of correct predictions for each breed. set greenCorrectPredictionsOfGreen (count greens with [color = seenByGreen]) / (count greens) * 100 set greenCorrectPredictionsOfRed (count reds with [color = seenByGreen]) / (count reds) * 100 set redCorrectPredictionsOfGreen (count greens with [color = seenByRed]) / (count greens) * 100 set redCorrectPredictionsOfRed (count reds with [color = seenByRed]) / (count reds) * 100 end ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; END OF CODE ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;