HWs discussion networks as byproducts (see again the file mainGoal.txt) intelligence in the orders/recipes --- A digression about Swarm, www.swarm.org from http://www.langrailsback.com/SwarmVM/ download the VM CentOS6-SwarmUser.ova for VirtualBox, virtualbox.org have a look (user SwarmUser pw ibmabm) --- NetLogo An exploration of the version 2 of <> (production world) and of the related emerging networks. --- A detailed look to SLAPP/production. Experiment with SLAPP/production with nodes/factories creation or deletion. Remember https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/terna/SLAPP3/master?filepath=iRunShellOnline.ipynb https://mybinder.org/v2/gh/terna/SLAPP3/master to modify the files; then launch iRunShellOnline.ipynb --- Have a look to How Do Agents Make Decisions? A Survey http://jasss.soc.surrey.ac.uk/17/4/13.html A light introduction to CT and ERA schemes at http://terna.to.it/ct-era/ct-era.html