Nicola Giuliano

Simulation models for economics

Project work on

"Credit scoring dimension and economic situation."


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view/download model file: credit_scoring_dimension_and_economic_situation.nlogo


The aim of the model is to analize the sistematic effetcs of the behaviours of banks in the lending activity. It is possible to consider the variation of some global economic variables (the number of firms, the average life of firm, the total amount of loan granted) when the bank penalize or favour the firms on the basis of their dimension.


In order to understand what rules the agents use to create the overall behavior the user can consult the explanation that is inclused in the thesis document.


The model starts when the "setup" button is pressed. In this way the user creates the firms and their links. Subsequently using the "go" button the simulation starts.
The user can change some economic variables, for example costs, revenues, and payments amount, in order to modify the economic situation of firms. It is possible to change the probability of the creation of new firms using the variable prob-new-firm.
Moreover the user can modify the interconnection between firms and its consequences through the variables average-num-links and prob-of-risk-propagation.
Using the chooser economic-stability you can also change the economic situation and you can choose between a stable system and a caotic one.
It is also possible to change some crucial variables related to the lending activity as the loan amount and the maturity. Moreover in order to study the consequences of the behaviours of the banks you can modify the threshold of risk that the bank is allowed to bare (initial-risk-threshold, monitoring-max-risk-threshold and max-mean-cash-level) and the premium associated to the dimension (equal to one no differences, grater than 1 the bank fovour bigger firms, less than 1 favour the smaller firms)


Using the economic_stability variable is possible to move from an stable situation to a caotic and erratic one. In this passage tha user can notice the increase in the number of firms of the simulation.
Modifying the risk thresholds (the initial one and the monitoring one) is also possible to consider changing in the total amount of loan granted and of the percentual number of default per tick.
Moreover increasing or decreasing the premium for large firms (premium-large-firms) is possible to appreciate the variation of the number of the firms of the simulation and in the case of penalization of larger firms the user can notice the collapse of the system and the default of all the agents.
One interesting element concern the prob-of-risk-propagation that means the probability the firms influence each other on the risk side. If the variable equals 1 then every firm influences any other company which is connected with and the system is more stable, while if the variable is close to 0 then the firms tend to be more erratic and more fragile.


The user can try to change the economic situation choosing between stability and instability; the threshold of the risk accepted by the bank, increasing or decreasing the potential set of firms that can access the credit; the premium related to the dimension, favouring or penalizing big firms or small ones; and the loan variables.


The model could be developed working on several elements: the interest rate, in order to improve the lending activity, a better economic structure for the firms, that now are characterized only by cash, and the implementation of the credit scoring model more accurate and that can consider the consequences of the the behaviour of the banks on the economic system.


The library models used as referece are the networks ones (e.g. Small world, Virus on a network, Preferential attachment) and they were used to create the network between firms using links and link structures.


This model was developed by Nicola Giuliano, student of the Faculty of Economics of Turin, during his thesis work under the supervision of Professor Pietro Terna. See for a detailed explanation document and for other student's project works.


;; Advanced credit scoring model

turtles-own [ cash risk risk-asim finalproducer? net-payment loan? maturity? life mean-cash perceived-risk]
globals [ defaults insolvencies total-loans insolvency-losses repealed-loans defaults-per-tick turtles-per-tick total-num-firms life-firm credit-performance a ]

to setup

to setup-world
  ask patches with [ pxcor = 16 ] [ set pcolor 45 ]

to setup-turtles
  set-default-shape turtles "square"
  create-turtles 50 [
    set risk-asim 50
    set life 0
    set maturity? -1
    ifelse random 99 < 50 [ set finalproducer? 0 ] [ set finalproducer? 1 + random 5 ]
    if finalproducer? > 0 [ 
      set size 1.35
      set shape "triangle" ]
    set cash random max-pxcor
    set risk random max-pycor                
    setxy cash risk  ]
  set total-num-firms 50

to setup-links
  ask turtles [
    let choice ( n-of  (abs int random-normal average-num-links 1 ) ( other turtles with [not in-link-neighbor? myself ] ) )
    if choice != nobody [ create-links-to choice ] ]
  ask links [ set thickness 0.14 ]

to go
  if not any? turtles [ stop ]

to move-turtles
  set turtles-per-tick count turtles

to time
  ask turtles [ 
    if maturity? >= 0 [ set maturity? maturity? - 1 ]
    set life life + 1 ]

to influence-of-position
  ask turtles [
    if xcor >= 16 and risk-asim - 3 >= 10 [ set risk-asim risk-asim - 3 ]
    if xcor <  16 and risk-asim + 3 <= 90 [ set risk-asim risk-asim + 3 ] ]

to risk-consequences
  if economic_stability = "yes" [ set a 26 ]
  if economic_stability = "no" [ set a 1 ]
  ask turtles [ 
    let in-linked-turtles in-link-neighbors
    let out-linked-turtles out-link-neighbors
    if random-float 1 < ( 10 ^ (( ycor - 23.42624) / 5.85656108)) / a [ ;; the probability is divided by 26 because one tick means two week and PD are annual
      set defaults defaults + 1
      set defaults-per-tick defaults-per-tick + 1
      ask in-linked-turtles [ 
        if risk + 1 <= max-pycor [ 
          set risk risk + 1
          set ycor risk ] ]
      ask out-linked-turtles [ 
        if risk-asim + 1 <= 90 [ set risk-asim risk-asim + 1 ] ]
      set insolvency-losses insolvency-losses + loan?
      die ] ;; The PD is defined on the baisis of the rating
    let birthd life / 26
    if ( int birthd ) - birthd = 0 [ 
      if random 100 < 92 [
        ifelse random 100 < risk-asim [
           ifelse risk + 1 <= max-pycor [ set risk risk + 1 ] [
             ask in-linked-turtles [ 
               if risk + 1 <= max-pycor [ 
                 set risk risk + 1
                 set ycor risk ] ]
             ask out-linked-turtles [ 
               if risk-asim + 1 <= 90 [ set risk-asim risk-asim + 1 ] ]
             set insolvency-losses insolvency-losses + loan?
             default-consequences ] ] [
           if risk - 1 >= min-pycor [ set risk risk - 1 ] ] ] 
    set ycor risk ]
to manage-flows
  ask turtles [
    if finalproducer? > 0 [
      let revenuess ( ( (revenues * finalproducer? ) ) + random-normal 0 2 ) ;; it can be used, instead of count my-in-links, finalproducer? that is a number of liks with the final market
      if revenuess > 0 [ set cash cash + revenuess ]
    let cost ( ( ( costs * cash * 2.1 ) ) + random-normal 0 2 ) / 20
    if cost > 0 [ set cash cash - cost ]
    if int xcor != cash [
      facexy cash ycor forward 0.5 ] ]

to collect-info 
  ask turtles [
    let linked-turtles in-link-neighbors      ;; client side it checks if you got supplier
    if any? linked-turtles [
      if finalproducer? = 0 [
          let payments ( ( payments-amount * 0.1 * count my-in-links ) + random-normal 0 0.5 ) / 2
          if payments > 0 [
          set net-payment net-payment - payments 
          let payment payments / count my-in-links
          ask linked-turtles [ set net-payment net-payment + payment ] ] ]
      if finalproducer? > 0 [
        ;;if random-float 1 < prob-paym [  ;; se metto prob of payment c'è selezione e sopravvivono solo quelle con bassi valori serve 1.3
          let payments ( ( revenues * 0.9 * count my-in-links ) + random-normal 0 0.5 ) / 2
          if payments > 0 [
          set net-payment net-payment - payments 
          let payment payments / count my-in-links
          ask linked-turtles [ set net-payment net-payment + payment ] ] ] ]
    ;; ]

to contagion
  ask turtles [
    let in-linked-turtles in-link-neighbors    ;; client side it checks if it has suppliers
    if random-float 1 < prob-of-risk-propagation [ 
      if any? in-linked-turtles [ 
        let client-risk risk
        ask in-linked-turtles [
          if client-risk > risk and risk-asim + 0.5 <= 90 [ set risk-asim risk-asim + 0.5 ]
          if client-risk < risk and risk-asim - 0.5 >= 10 [ set risk-asim risk-asim - 0.5 ] 
  ] ] ] 
    let out-linked-turtles out-link-neighbors ;; supplier side it checks if it has clients 
    if random-float 1 < prob-of-risk-propagation [ 
      if any? out-linked-turtles [ 
        let supplier-risk risk
        ask out-linked-turtles [
          if supplier-risk > risk and risk-asim + 0.5 <= 90 [ set risk-asim risk-asim + 0.5 ]
          if supplier-risk < risk and risk-asim - 0.5 >= 10 [ set risk-asim risk-asim - 0.5 ] 
  ] ] ] ]
  ask turtles [
    set cash cash + net-payment
    set net-payment 0
    if int xcor != cash [ facexy cash ycor forward 0.5 ] ]
  ask turtles [ 
    let in-linked-turtles in-link-neighbors
    let out-linked-turtles out-link-neighbors
    if cash < min-pxcor [ emergency-credit ]
    if cash < min-pxcor [
      ask out-linked-turtles [ 
        if risk + 1 <= max-pycor [ 
          set risk risk + 1
          set ycor risk ] ]
      ask in-linked-turtles [ 
        if risk-asim + 1 <= 90 [ set risk-asim risk-asim + 2 ] ]
      set insolvency-losses insolvency-losses + loan?
      default-consequences  ] ]
  ask turtles [ set mean-cash ( ( mean-cash * life ) + cash ) / ( life + 1 ) ]

to take-credit
  ask turtles [
    let in-linked-turtles in-link-neighbors
    let out-linked-turtles out-link-neighbors
    if maturity? = 0 [ 
      if cash >= 0 and cash - loan? < 0 [ set insolvency-losses insolvency-losses - ( cash - loan? ) ]
      if cash < 0 [  set insolvency-losses insolvency-losses + loan? ]
      set cash cash - loan?
      set loan? 0
      if cash <= 0 [ 
        set insolvencies insolvencies + 1
        ask in-linked-turtles [ 
          if risk + 1 <= max-pycor [ 
            set risk risk + 1
            set ycor risk ] ]
        ask out-linked-turtles [ 
          if risk-asim + 1 <= 90 [ set risk-asim risk-asim + 1 ] ]
        default-consequences ] ] ]
to give-credit
  ask turtles [
    let in-linked-turtles in-link-neighbors
    let out-linked-turtles out-link-neighbors   
    if cash-rating? = false [
      if count my-in-links <= average-num-links [ set perceived-risk ycor * premium-large-firms ]
      if count my-in-links > average-num-links [ set perceived-risk ycor / premium-large-firms ]
      if maturity? > 0 and perceived-risk > monitoring-max-risk-threshold [ 
        set cash cash - loan?
        if cash - loan? < 0 [ set insolvency-losses insolvency-losses - ( cash - loan? ) ]
        set loan? 0
        set maturity? 0
        if cash <= 0 [
          ask in-linked-turtles [ 
            if risk + 1 <= max-pycor [ 
            set risk risk + 1
            set ycor risk ] ]
          ask out-linked-turtles [ 
            if risk-asim + 1 <= 90 [ set risk-asim risk-asim + 1 ] ]
          set repealed-loans repealed-loans + 1
          default-consequences ] ] 
      if maturity? = -1 and perceived-risk <= initial-risk-threshold and xcor < 16 [ 
        set cash cash + loan-amount
        set loan? loan-amount
        set total-loans total-loans + loan-amount
        set maturity? maturity + 1 ] ]
    if cash-rating? = true [
      if maturity? > 0 and mean-cash <= max-mean-cash-level [ 
        set cash cash - loan?
        if cash - loan? < 0 [ set insolvency-losses insolvency-losses - ( cash - loan? ) ]
        set loan? 0
        set maturity? 0
        if cash <= 0 [
          ask in-linked-turtles [ 
            if risk + 1 <= max-pycor [ 
            set risk risk + 1
            set ycor risk ] ]
          ask out-linked-turtles [ 
            if risk-asim + 1 <= 90 [ set risk-asim risk-asim + 1 ] ]
          set repealed-loans repealed-loans + 1
          default-consequences ] ] 
      if maturity? = -1 and mean-cash >= max-mean-cash-level and xcor < 16 [ 
        set cash cash + loan-amount
        set loan? loan-amount
        set total-loans total-loans + loan-amount
        set maturity? maturity + 1 ] ] ]

to emergency-credit
  let in-linked-turtles in-link-neighbors
  let out-linked-turtles out-link-neighbors
  if cash-rating? = false [
      if count my-in-links <= average-num-links [ set perceived-risk ycor * premium-large-firms ]
      if count my-in-links > average-num-links [ set perceived-risk ycor / premium-large-firms ]
      if maturity? = -1 and perceived-risk <= initial-risk-threshold [ 
        set cash cash + loan-amount
        set loan? loan-amount
        set total-loans total-loans + loan-amount
        set maturity? maturity + 1 ] ]
    if cash-rating? = true [
      if maturity? = -1 and mean-cash >= max-mean-cash-level [ 
        set cash cash + loan-amount
        set loan? loan-amount
        set total-loans total-loans + loan-amount
        set maturity? maturity + 1 ] ]

to default-consequences
  set defaults defaults + 1
  set defaults-per-tick defaults-per-tick + 1

to turtles-birth
  if random-float 1 < prob-new-firm [
    create-turtles 1 [
      set risk-asim 50
      set maturity? -1
    ifelse random 99 < 60 [ set finalproducer? 0 ] [ set finalproducer? 1 + random 5 ]
    if finalproducer? > 0 [ 
      set size 1.35
      set shape "triangle" ]
    set cash random max-pxcor
    set risk random max-pycor 
    setxy cash risk ]
  set total-num-firms total-num-firms + 1 ]
  ask turtles with [ my-out-links = no-links ] [
    let random-num-links int random-normal average-num-links 2
    if random-num-links > 0 and random-num-links <= count other turtles with [not in-link-neighbor? myself ] [
    let choice ( n-of  ( random-num-links ) ( other turtles with [not in-link-neighbor? myself ] ) )
    if choice != nobody [ create-links-to choice ] ] ]
    ;;let random-num-links random average-num-links
    ;;if random-num-links <= count turtles - 1 [ let choice ( n-of (random-num-links) other turtles ) 
    ;;if any? choice [ create-links-to choice ] ] ]
  ask links [ set thickness 0.14 ]

to links-renovation
  ask turtles [
    if random-float 1 < prob-new-firm [                            ;;it creates links
      let choice ( one-of ( other turtles with [not out-link-neighbor? myself ] ) )
      if choice != nobody [ create-link-to choice ] ]
    if random-float 1 < prob-new-firm [                            ;; it destroys links
      let choice ( one-of ( my-out-links ) ) 
      if choice != nobody [ 
      ask choice [die] ] ] ]
  ask links [ set thickness 0.14 ]

to update-plot
  set-current-plot "Defaults/firms per tick"
  set-current-plot-pen "defaults/firms"
  plot defaults-per-tick / turtles-per-tick * 100
  set defaults-per-tick 0 
  set-current-plot "Number of firms"
  set-current-plot-pen "firms"
  plot count turtles
  set-current-plot-pen "finalproducer"
  plot count turtles with [ finalproducer? > 0 ]
  set-current-plot "Defaults"
  set-current-plot-pen "insolvencies"
  plot insolvencies
  set-current-plot-pen "defaults"
  plot defaults
  set-current-plot "loans"
  set-current-plot-pen "insolvency-losses"
  plot insolvency-losses
  set-current-plot-pen "total-of-loans"
  plot total-loans
  if total-loans > 0 [ set credit-performance insolvency-losses / total-loans ]
  set-current-plot "Mean life firms"
  set-current-plot-pen "life-firm"
  ask turtles [ set life-firm life-firm + life ]
  if count turtles > 0 [ plot life-firm / count turtles ]
  set life-firm 0