Pietro Terna

Retired full professor of Economics (CV in Italiano, English)

Honorary Fellow of the Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto

Socio corrispondente dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino

Socio ordinario dell'Accademia di Agricoltura di Torino

Formerly member of the Dipartimento di Scienze Economico-Sociali e Matematico-Statistiche 

Scuola di Management ed Economia - Università di Torino

Corso Unione Sovietica n. 218 bis

10134 Torino 

Stanza 5.13 (entrare da c.Unione Sovietica 218bis; gli ascensori sono in fondo al lungo corridoio, a destra o a sinistra; salire al 4° piano degli ascensori (è il 5° delle scale); poi con le scale salire ancora un piano
NB, i ricevimenti per Fisica dei sistemi complessi si svolgono online, seguire il link "Ricevimento studenti" qui sotto

+39 340 9296346 (personal mobile phone)

Ricevimento studenti

mail pietro.terna@unito.it

Twitter https://twitter.com/@pietroterna

Mastodon https://mastodon.uno/@PietroTerna

Look at my avatar       My ORCID IDORCID iD icon

- Brevi articoli di Pietro Terna su La Porta di Vetro e altri brevi articoli su nuovo Mondo Economico.
- Quasi giornalmente pubblico un asterisco su temi di politica, economia e attualità all'interno del sito web di Verso Itaca.
Articoli di Pietro Terna su Scienza in rete.
Una conferenza su IA e Lavoro (gennaio 2024) all'Accademia delle Scienze di Torino.

-  I'm using Repast4Py. You can find a related webinar here (in Italian, slides about Repast4Py in English) with speakers Eleonora Priori and myself.
With the next research steps, jontly with Jack Birner, Eleonora Priori, and Marco Mazzoli, I will prepare with Repast4Py a large economic model incorporating our basic open model, stock-flow consistent, currently in plain Python. Here the ePrint of a paper (in English) and here a presentation (in Italian, with speaker Eleonora Priori) of the first step of the new model, with a realistic reconstruction of the production system from an agent-based perspective.

-  The S.I.s.a.R simulation model about Covid-19 diffusion in a Piedmont-like region, but quite easily adaptable to other areas (comments welcome). Here: the e-print of a paper on the model, a video of June 2021 and another of January 2022; and some informative articles.


Publications since 1991; for the previous ones, look at the Italian version of the CV (above)
-  Have a look to my choices on agent-based simulation via scoop.it.
-  I am proud to be part of A program of 7 Lectures for PhD Students and Young Researchers on Collective Dynamics in Science and Society, by Nicola Bellomo, Diletta Burini, Giovanni Dosi, Livio Gibelli, Damian A. Knopoff, Pietro Terna, Nisrine Outada, Maria E. Virgillito.
-  I am participating to the program of "Five Lectures in the Time of COVID-19. From a Mathematics of Living Systems To Modeling Virus Pandemics" hosted by the Fondazione Collegio Carlo Alberto.
-  A (toy) production model with workers, robots and AIs: Ricardo&Marx; also within the NetLogo User Community Models (look at November 2019) web site.
-  A short note on Complexity.
A book on: Agent-based Models of the Economy - From Theories to Applications, by Riccardo Boero, Matteo Morini, Michele Sonnessa and Pietro Terna.
-  Five chapters of the book are related to my agent-based simulation open tutorial and shell: SLAPP (Swarm-Like Agent Protocol in Python)
Markets on Move - Toward cyber capitalism or cyber communism? Comments and contributions highly welcome.
-  Nelle librerie dal 19 settembre 2019: Il lavoro e il valore al tempo dei robot - Intelligenza artificiale e non-occupazione, di Dunia Astrologo, Andrea Surbone e Pietro Terna, prefazione di Adam Smith, Meltemi editore.
-  A book: Marco Mazzoli, Matteo Morini, and Pietro Terna (2019), Rethinking Macroeconomics with Endogenous Market Structure; other details. See also Introduction and Chapter 1 via Googe Books. A presentation at the First International Workshop on Agentization (September 2021).
About SLAPP (Swarm-Like Agent Protocol in Python), have also a look to the repository of the related miscellaneous material and of the old versions (and also of the project chameleons). Look at a 2020 presentation of SLAPP.
A running version of SLAPP (with direct access to the file starting the shell) via the wonderful Binder project: try it! It is also possible to view the file system, to explore SLAPP and its application (to launch SLAPP click on iRunShellOnline.ipynb)
If you experience troubles in loading the running application or its file system, try to delete the cache of your bowser or—better—open a private window (anonymous, in incognito, ...)
The huge Oligopoly project, with Marco Mazzoli and Matteo Morini, is also related to SLAPP.
The work on A Micro Simplified Hayekian Market project, with Matteo Morini, is also related to the Oligopoly project.

-  January 2022: a lecture of mine on ABM and Netlogo within the Math of Cities lessons of the PhD course in Pure and Applied Mathematics by Politecnico di Torino, Università degli Studi di Torino, Consorzio Interuniversitario per l'Alta Formazione in Matematica and Istituto Nazionale di Alta Matematica
-  Novembre 2019/Gennaio 2021: registrata il 13 novembre 2019, questa conversazione su disuguaglianze e futuro è stata trasmessa a gennaio 2021 su RaiPremium. Nel mezzo è passata la pandemia, ma la tempistica è stata questa.
-  April 2019: A lesson on Simulazioni ad Agenti - ciclo "L'Università per la Scuola" - Scuola Terza Generazione
-  2018-19 CMap of the course of Econophysics and its zip file; see also the related students' project works. We have also a YouTube channel with the movies of the fs. Links: Fisica dei sistemi complessi and Econofisica.
-  2017-18 CMap of the course of Econophysics and its zip file; see also the related students' project works.
-  Jan 15th, 2018 CMap of a lesson on ABMs and Real Estate evaluation in the course of Real Estate Evaluation of the Politecnico di Torino.
-  2016-17 CMap of the lessons of Modelli ad agenti e interazione sociale (SSST - Scuola di Studi Superiori "Ferdinando Rossi" dell'Università degli Studi di Torino) and its zip file; see also the related students' project works.
-  2016-17 CMap of the course of Econophysics and its zip file; see also the related students' project works.
-  2015-16 CMap of the course of Econophysics and its zip file; see also the related students' project works.
-  2014-15 CMap of the course of Simulation Models for Economics and its zip file; see also the related students' project works. The e-learning system page of this class is here.
Here you have the 2013-14 CMap of the course of Simulation Models for Economics and its zip file.
Contents of the course on Agent-Based Models that I taught - in November 2018 - for the Master in Data Science for Complex Economic Systems, MADAS and for the Vilfredo Pareto Doctorate in Economics.
We have also a YouTube channel with the movies of the lessons.
Contents of the course on Agent-Based Simulation that I taught - in October/November 2017 - for the Master in Data Science for Complex Economic Systems, MADAS and for the Vilfredo Pareto Doctorate in Economics. Look at the _README.txt file.
We have also a YouTube channel with the movies of the lessons.
Contents of the course on Network Analysis that I taught - in November 2017 - for the Master in Data Science for Complex Economic Systems, MADAS and for the Vilfredo Pareto Doctorate in Economics. Look at the _README.txt file.
We have also a YouTube channel with the movies of the lessons.
Contents and videos of the course on Agent-Based Simulation that I taught - in October 2016 - for the Master in Data Science for Complex Economic Systems, MADAS and for the Vilfredo Pareto Doctorate in Economics. Look at the _README.txt file.
Contents and videos of the course on Network Analysis that I taught - in November 2016 - for the Master in Data Science for Complex Economic Systems, MADAS and for the Vilfredo Pareto Doctorate in Economics. Look at the _README.txt file.
[Old files used in my course of Microeconomia (corso serale)]
[Old files used in my course of Istituzioni di economia, corso serale ]
[Old files used in my course of Economia matematica]
[Old files used in my courses of Dinamica economica and Tecniche di previsione economica]
Perspectives on jES, a java Enterprise Simulator in Swarm
-  A methodological page about Cross Targets and ERA scheme
Centenario della Facoltà di Economia di Torino
Pictures of Luigi Terna, my father.
Music, some links.

Prova di sito con Reflex

Immagini del "Battibecco" contenuto nel libro Il lavoro e il valore al tempo dei robot - Intelligenza artificiale e non-occupazione, di Dunia Astrologo, Andrea Surbone e Pietro Terna, prefazione di Adam Smith, Meltemi editore.È avvenuto veramente, il 21 settembre 2018. Le fotografie sono di Alessndra Capitolo
Varaždin, Croatia, September 27-28 2017, http://ceciis.foi.hr and final PROJECT MODELMMORPG workshop
SwarmFest 2016, Burlington, Vermont, July 31 - August 3, 2016
Simultech 2015 Colmar 21-23.7

Project MODELMMORPG, Varaždin (Croazia) 15-17 Oct. 2014 (more here)

SwarmFest 2014, Notre Dame, IN, June 29 - July 1, 2014

#hackUniTo, Maggio 2014

SwarmFest2013, Orlando, July 8-9, 2013

Paris ENS - Workshop on Coupled Climate-Economics Modelling and Data Analysis 22-23 11 2012 (more here)

Zurich Latsis Symposium 12-14 9 2012

SwarmFest2012, Charlotte, July 28-30, 2012

SwarmFest2011, Santa Fe, June 25-29, 2011

SwarmFest2010, Santa Fe, June 20-22, 2010

SwarmFest2009, Santa Fe June 28-30, 2009

SwarmFest2008, Chicago, May 11-14, 2008

SwarmFest2005, Torino, June 5-7, 2005

SwarmFest2004, Ann Arbor, May 8-12, 2004

SwarmFest2003, Notre Dame, April 13-15, 2003 (more here)

SwarmFest2002, Seattle, March 29-31, 2002

SwarmFest Santa Fe, April 29 - May 1, 2001

Last update 2024 10 04