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The model wants to describe the phenomenon of altruism under a gender perspective, focusing on the behaviour of the agents according to their propensity to donate, which is measured by the percentage of endowment that each agent is willing to give.
Three categories of agents are created in the program: selfsih, selfless, equalitarian. Setting the percentage of male and female and choosing the level of selfishness or selflessness and the price of giving, what is observable in the end is the mean donation of male and female over time.
Notice that the donation amount is influenced by the variable B (the propensity to donate) and by the price of giving. The more the two variables are close to zero, the higher they are, and vice versa.
In the NetLogo Models Library: Altruism
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breed [selfish a-selfish] breed [selfless a-selfless] breed [equalitarians equalitarian] selfish-own [endowment gender B donation] ;; B parameters that represents the fraction of endowment that every agent wants to donate selfless-own [endowment gender B donation] equalitarians-own [endowment gender B donation] globals [priceofgiving donate meandonationM meandonationF] to setup ca reset-ticks if howmanyagents ="random" [create-selfish random 100] if howmanyagents ="choose" [create-selfish howmanySelfish] ask selfish [ set shape "person" if endowment_agents = "random" [set endowment random 200] if endowment_agents = "fixed" [set endowment capital_endowment] set donation 0 set gender "female" set color pink set B female_selfishness setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] if howmanyagents ="choose"[ ask n-of (howmanySelfish * %_male_selfish) selfish [ set gender "male" set color blue set B male_selfishness ] ] if howmanyagents ="random"[ ask n-of (count selfish * %_male_selfish) selfish [ set gender "male" set color blue set B male_selfishness ] ] if howmanyagents ="random" [ create-selfless random 100] if howmanyagents ="choose" [ create-selfless howmanySelfless] ask selfless [ set shape "person" if endowment_agents = "random" [set endowment random 200] if endowment_agents = "fixed" [set endowment capital_endowment] set donation 0 set gender "female" set color pink set B female_selflessness setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] if howmanyagents ="random"[ ask n-of (count selfless * %_male_selfless) selfless [ set gender "male" set color blue set B male_selflessness ] ] if howmanyagents ="choose"[ ask n-of (howmanySelfless * %_male_selfless) selfless [ set gender "male" set color blue set B male_selflessness ] ] if howmanyagents ="random" [create-equalitarians random 100] if howmanyagents ="choose" [create-equalitarians howmanyEqualitarians] ask equalitarians [ set shape "person" if endowment_agents = "random" [set endowment random 200] if endowment_agents = "fixed" [set endowment capital_endowment] set donation 0 set gender "female" set color pink set B female_equity setxy random-xcor random-ycor ] if howmanyagents ="random"[ ask n-of (count equalitarians * %_male_equalitarians) equalitarians [ set gender "male" set color blue set B male_equity ] ] if howmanyagents ="choose"[ ask n-of (howmanyEqualitarians * %_male_equalitarians) equalitarians [ set gender "male" set color blue set B male_equity ] ] end to go set priceofgiving price_of_giving move give prepare_plot_data end to move ask turtles [ set heading random 360 fd random 10 ] end to give ask selfish [ if count other turtles-here > 0 and endowment > 0 [ ifelse endowment - B * endowment * priceofgiving > 0 [ set donate B * endowment * priceofgiving set endowment endowment - donate set donation donate ] [set donate endowment set donation donate set endowment 0 ] let an_agent one-of turtles-here ask an_agent [ set endowment (endowment + donate)] ] ] ask selfless [ if count other turtles-here > 0 and endowment > 0 [ ifelse endowment - B * endowment * priceofgiving > 0 [ set donate B * endowment * priceofgiving set endowment endowment - donate set donation donate ] [set donate endowment set donation donate set endowment 0 ] let an_agent one-of turtles-here ask an_agent [ set endowment (endowment + donate)] ] ] ask equalitarians [ if count other turtles-here > 0 and endowment > 0 [ ifelse endowment - B * endowment * priceofgiving > 0 [ set donate B * endowment * priceofgiving set endowment endowment - donate set donation donate ] [set donate endowment set donation donate set endowment 0 ] let an_agent one-of turtles-here ask an_agent [ set endowment (endowment + donate)] ] ] tick end to prepare_plot_data ifelse count turtles with [gender = "male"] > 0 [ set meandonationM mean [donation] of turtles with [gender = "male"]] [set meandonationM 0] ifelse count turtles with [gender = "female"] > 0 [ set meandonationF mean [donation] of turtles with [gender = "female"]] [set meandonationF 0] end ; Copyright 2011 Angela Gros-Pietro, Gianni Ghetti, Riccardo Addamo. All rights reserved. ; Supervisor: prof.Pietro Terna, Faculty of Economics, University of Turin.