Cristian Escobar Gerson Massobrio Federico Pandolfo

Simulation models for economics

Project work on

"Bollinger band active strategy."


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Here you can find an introduction to the Bollinger band active strategy application.

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view/download model file: bollinger_band_active_strategy.nlogo


The project “bollinger_band_active_strategy” defines the behaviour of two kind of agents: Random Agents ,that act randomly and generates a random market; and Bollinger’s Agents that apply to market prices, a strategy based on Bollinger Bands conditions. We try to study the effect of Bollinger agents on market prices analysing the signifiance of their strategy in terms of profit or loss.


Random Agents create the market through an auction mechanism, where prices are ordered in order to obtain bid and ask prices. Bollinger Agents participate to the price formation if one of the two condition is satisfied: 1) the price goes under the lower band and then crosses it; 2) the price goes above the upper band and next crosses it.


Set NRANDOMAGENTS and NBBAGENTS sliders to control the number of agents. Set the PASSLEVEL slider to fix the probability for each agent of avoiding the negotiation. Moreover the NMOVINGAVERAGE and BANDWIDTH sliders represent the parameters for the creation of the duct defined by the bands, typical of Bollinger’s analysis. Then click the button SETUP to create the world. Click GO to start the simulation.


Each strategy in our program, alternates the buy and sell conditions, considering that the starting point is always buy.


Try to modify the NRANDOMAGENTS and the NBBAGENTS sliders in order to evaluate the effectivenes of the Bollinger strategy compared to the ordinary strategy. Try to modify the NMOVINGAVERAGE and the BANDWIDTH sliders to understand how the choose of different parameters used for the Bollinger bands construction influence the Bollinger strategy, analysing also the variations related to the graph ABOVE/UNDER BANDS.


You may introduce different strategies related to how the price fill in the bands, defining new overbought and oversold conditions. You can also insert more complicated market strategies and improve agents intelligence giving them some form of learning skills about investing in the market price.


Bollinger Bands official website (
Pietro Terna. g1_CDA_basic_model


; Unlike most things you buy, both the buyer and seller set stock prices. 
; The buyer states what price they will pay for the stock: this is the bid price.
; The seller also has a price: the ask price.

; If you have access to the proper online pricing systems, you can see the bid and 
; ask prices. You will notice that the bid price and the ask price are never the same.
; The ask price is always a little higher than the bid price.

; What this means is if you are buying the stock you pay the ask price (the higher
; price) and if you are selling the stock you receive the bid price (the lower price).


breed [BBAgents BBAgent]
breed [randomAgents randomAgent]
BBAgents-own[overbought oversold stocks purchase sold out-of-market buy sell pass price cash]
randomAgents-own[out-of-market buy sell pass price cash stocks overbought oversold sold]
globals [adj logB logS exePrice number t n j meanBox days AR ovB ovS timeP SBoxP SBoxM SBoxLB SBoxUB varBox devSt A MA part partS dev UB LB BBpocket ordinaryPocket OP difference Obuy Osell under above] 

to setup

  if seed != 0 [random-seed seed]
  set adj False
  set exePrice 1000
  set MA 0
  set A 0
  set AR []
  set OP []
  set dev 0
  set devSt 0
  set days []
  set meanBox []
  set varBox []
  set SBoxP []
  set SBoxM [] ;it is a vector useful for testing the correctness of the program, but useless for the outputs
  set SBoxLB []
  set SBoxUB []
  set timeP 0
  set number 0
  set n 0
  set j 0
  set ovB 0 
  set ovS 0
  set Obuy 0
  set Osell 1
  set logB []
  set logS []
  set difference 0
  set t 0
  set under 0
  set above 0
  create-randomAgents nRandomAgents
  create-BBAgents nBBAgents

  let side sqrt (nRandomAgents + nBBAgents)
  let step max-pxcor / side
ask randomAgents
    set shape "person"
    set out-of-market False
    set size 2
    set BBpocket 0
    ;set cash 0
    ;set stocks 0
ask BBAgents
    set out-of-market False
    set BBpocket 0
    set shape "person"
    set size 2
    set BBpocket 0
    set overbought False
    set oversold False
    set sold 1
    set purchase 0
    set ordinaryPocket 0
    ;set cash 0
    ;set stocks 0

let an 0
let bn 0
let x 0
let y 0
while [an < nRandomAgents + nBBAgents]
    if x > (side - 1) * step 
                [set y y + step
                 set x 0       ]
    ask turtle an
     [setxy x y]
    set x x + step
    set an an + 1

to go
ask BBAgents
    if overbought [set color violet]
    if oversold  [set color yellow]
    if not overbought and not oversold [set color white]

ask turtles
    ifelse out-of-market [set color white]
     [ifelse random-float 1 < passLevel [set pass True][set pass False]
      ifelse not pass
        [ifelse random-float 1 < 0.5 [set buy  True set sell False]
                                     [set sell True set buy  False] ]
        [set buy False set sell False]
    if pass       [set color gray]
    if buy        [set color red]
    if sell       [set color green]
     ;set price 501 + random 999
     ;set price random-normal 1000 100
     set price exePrice + (random-normal 0 100)


;use these clearing operationa if a 'go cycle' is 'a day'
;commenting them logs are kept until the end of the simulation experiment
set logB []
set logS [] 

;show ticks
;NB in future implementation it would be interesting to make empty both the side of 
;   the market at regular intervals of more than one cycle

ask randomAgents
  [if not pass and not out-of-market
       let tmp[]
       set tmp lput price tmp
       ask BBAgents[if overbought [set tmp lput price tmp]]
       ask BBAgents[if oversold [set tmp lput price tmp]]
       set tmp lput who tmp
       ;show who

       if buy [set logB lput tmp logB]
       set logB reverse sort-by [item 0 ?1 < item 0 ?2] logB
       ;show logB
       if (not empty? logB and not empty? logS) and
          item 0 (item 0 logB) >= item 0 (item 0 logS)
            [set exePrice item 0 (item 0 logS)
             let agB item 1 (item 0 logB)
             let agS item 1 (item 0 logS)
             ;strategy based on random market prices: BUY
             ask randomAgents [
                           if Osell >= 1[set ordinaryPocket ordinaryPocket - exeprice
                                        set OP lput ordinaryPocket OP
                                        set Obuy Obuy + 1
                                        set Osell Osell - 1]]
             ;ask randomAgent agB [set stocks stocks + 1
                                  ;set cash cash - exePrice]
             ;ask randomAgent agS [set stocks stocks - 1 
                                  ;set cash cash + exePrice]
             set logB but-first logB
             set logS but-first logS
             ;insert each price in a vector
             if exePrice > 0 and j >= (nMovingAverage - 1) [set SBoxP lput exePrice SBoxP 
                                                             set timeP timeP + 1
                                                             set days lput exeprice days]
             ;set the wallet for the buy and hold strategy
             ;if exeprice != 0 and length days >= (nForFirstPrice + 1) [ set firstPrice  item nForFirstPrice  days 
                                                                        ;set wallet (- firstPrice + exeprice)] 
             ;Moving Average calculus
             set part exeprice / (nMovingAverage - 1)
             if part != 0 [set meanBox lput part meanBox 
                           set number number + 1 
                           set A A + part 
                           set j j + 1]
             if number = nMovingAverage - 1 [set MA A 
                                             set number number - 1 
                                             set A A - (item 0 meanBox) 
                                             set meanBox but-first meanBox]
             ;insert each calculated mean in a vector
             if MA != 0 and timeP >= (nMovingAverage - 1) [set SBoxM lput MA SBoxM 
             ;standard deviation calculus
             if MA != 0 [set partS (exeprice - MA) ^ 2]
             if exeprice != 0 [set dev dev + partS 
                               set n n + 1 
                               set varBox lput partS varBox]
             if n = nMovingAverage - 1 [set devSt sqrt(dev) / (nMovingAverage - 2) 
                                        set n n - 1 
                                        set dev dev - (item 0 varBox) 
                                        set varBox but-first varBox]
             ;Bands formation
             if MA != 0 and devSt != 0 [set UB  MA + (Bandwidth * devSt) 
                         set LB  MA - (Bandwidth * devSt)]
             if timeP >= (nMovingAverage - 1) and LB != 0 and UB != 0 [set SBoxLB lput LB SBoxLB
                                                                       set SBoxUB lput UB SBoxUB 
       ;show exePrice
       if sell [set logS lput tmp logS]
       set logS sort-by [item 0 ?1 < item 0 ?2] logS
       ;show logS
       if (not empty? logB and not empty? logS) and
          item 0 (item 0 logB) >= item 0 (item 0 logS)
            [set exePrice item 0 (item 0 logB)
             let agB item 1 (item 0 logB)
             let agS item 1 (item 0 logS)
             ;strategy based on random market prices: SELL
             ask randomAgents [
                         if Obuy >= 1 [set ordinaryPocket ordinaryPocket + exeprice
                                        set OP lput ordinaryPocket OP
                                        set Osell Osell + 1
                                        set Obuy Obuy - 1]]
             ;ask turtle agB [set stocks stocks + 1
                                  ;set cash cash - exePrice]
             ;ask turtle agS [set stocks stocks - 1 
                                  ;set cash cash + exePrice]
             set logB but-first logB
             set logS but-first logS
             ;insert each price in a vector
             if exePrice != 0 and j >= nMovingAverage [set SBoxP lput exePrice SBoxP 
                                                       set timeP timeP + 1
                                                       set days lput exeprice days]
             ;Moving Average calculus
             set part exeprice / (nMovingAverage - 1)
             if part != 0 [set meanBox lput part meanBox 
                           set number number + 1 
                           set A A + part 
                           set j j + 1]
             if number = nMovingAverage - 1 [set MA A set number number - 1 
                                             set A A - (item 0 meanBox) 
                                             set meanBox but-first meanBox]
             ;insert each calculated mean in a vector
             if MA != 0 and timeP >= (nMovingAverage - 1) [set SBoxM lput MA SBoxM 
             ;standard deviation calculus
             if MA != 0 [set partS (exeprice - MA) ^ 2]
             if exeprice != 0 [set dev dev + partS 
                               set n n + 1 
                               set varBox lput partS varBox]
             if n = nMovingAverage - 1 [set devSt sqrt(dev) / (nMovingAverage - 2)  
                                        set n n - 1 
                                        set dev dev - (item 0 varBox) 
                                        set varBox but-first varBox]
             ;bands formation
             if MA  != 0 and devSt != 0 [set UB  MA + (Bandwidth * devSt) 
                          set LB  MA -  (Bandwidth * devSt)]
             ;insert band values in a vector
             if timeP >= (nMovingAverage - 1) and UB != 0 and LB != 0 [set SBoxLB lput LB SBoxLB
                                                                       set SBoxUB lput UB SBoxUB 
             ;show MA
       ;show exePrice
       set under 0
       set above 0
     ;if exePrice <= 300 [stop set adj True] 
     ;if adj
        ;[set t t + 1 ]
     ;if t = 2 [set exeprice 300 + random-normal 0 100 set out-of-market False set t 0 ]
    if length SBoxP >= 2 and length SBoxLB >= 2 and length SBoxUB >= 2
     [set SBoxP but-first SBoxP 
      set SBoxLB but-first SBoxLB 
      set SBoxUB but-first SBoxUB]
  ;show SBoxUB
  ;show UB
  ;show SBoxP
  ;show SBoxLB
  ;show LB

;Bollinger Bands strategy in BBpocket only for BBAgents
to BBStrat
  ask BBAgents[
   if length SBoxLB >= 2 and length SBoxP >= 2 and
      item 0 SBoxP < item 0 SBoxLB and 
      item 1 SBoxP > item 1 SBoxLB and 
      sold >= 1 and buy [set BBpocket BBpocket - item 1 SBoxP
                                    set overbought True
                                    set oversold False
                                    set ovB ovB - 1
                                    set AR lput BBpocket AR
                                    set purchase purchase + 1 set sold sold - 1]                
   if length SBoxUB >= 2 and length SBoxP >= 2 and
      item 0 SBoxP > item 0 SBoxUB and 
      item 1 SBoxP < item 1 SBoxUB and 
      purchase >= 1 and sell [set BBpocket BBpocket + item 1 SBoxP 
                                    set oversold True
                                    set overbought False
                                    set ovS ovS + 1
                                    set AR lput BBpocket AR
                                    set purchase purchase - 1 set sold sold + 1]
   if length SBoxLB >= 2 and length SBoxP >= 2 and
     item 0 SBoxP > item 0 SBoxLB and
     item 1 SBoxP > item 1 SBoxLB and 
     item 0 SBoxP < item 0 SBoxUB and
      item 1 SBoxP < item 1 SBoxUB [ set overbought False set oversold False]
   if length SBoxLB >= 2 and length SBoxP >= 2 and   
      item 0 SBoxP < item 0 SBoxLB and
      item 1 SBoxP < item 1 SBoxLB [ set overbought False set oversold False]
   if length SBoxLB >= 2 and length SBoxP >= 2 and
     item 0 SBoxP > item 0 SBoxUB and 
     item 1 SBoxP > item 1 SBoxUB [ set overbought False set oversold False]]  
 ;show ovB
  ;show ovS

;Calculate the differences in the two strategies(buy and sell in market conditions, or according to Bollinger Bands signals) in both LONG and SHORT positions
to check_strategies
    set difference BBpocket - ordinaryPocket


to graph
set-current-plot "exePrice"
plot exePrice

set-current-plot "BollingerBands strategy"
plot BBpocket

set-current-plot "Ordinary Strategy"
plot ordinaryPocket
set-current-plot "Difference in the two strategies"
plot difference
