Claudio Rivoira

Simulation models for economics

Project work on

"Football supporters."


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powered by NetLogo

view/download model file: football_supporters.nlogo


The model shows the number of people that follow the match of the local football team in their town/city. Adults live their life moving in the city. They can influence and they can be influenced by the people that they meet during the week and on sunday they decide to go or not to go to the stadium.


In this simulation, the world is divided in 2 parts: the blue one is the real world and the green one rappresent the stadium.


The first procedure is Setup: it creates the stadium (green) and the world (blue).
A number of adults equal to the value of the dimension of the city (big, medium or small).
Click the button go to start the simulation.
The user have to choose also the size of the city, the league and the team tickets policy.
The button News means that the team buy a new important person for the list.
The plot happy and sad shows how many people are happy or not
The plot stadium regards the people that, on sunday, they go to the stadium.
The plot balance shows if the team is in active or not.
The plot result shows the last team result and the trend (2 means a victory, 1 a draw and 0 a match lost).


It’s interesting to edit the values of the sliders in order to compare the different behaviours of the people in different cities and in different leagues.


It possible also to study a new agent: the sponsors are an important value for the football team balance.


breed [ adults adult ] 
globals [ Days fedelity_league a b result balance c ]
turtles-own [ fedelity]

to setup 
ask patches with [pycor > 0] [set pcolor green]
ask patches with [pycor <= 0] [set pcolor blue]

set-default-shape adults "person"
if League = "League A" [set fedelity_league 50]
if League = "League B" [set fedelity_league 40]
if League = "League C" [set fedelity_league 30]
if League = "League D" [set fedelity_league 20]

if City = "Big" [create-ordered-adults 1000]                    
if City = "Medium" [create-ordered-adults 500]
if City = "Small" [create-ordered-adults 100]
set Days 0
set result "play"

ask adults [
      setxy (random 30) (random -15)
      if (ycor = 0) [set ycor (ycor - 1)]
      set color ((random 10) + 10)
      set a (random 100)
      if a <= fedelity_league [set fedelity "yes"]
      if a > fedelity_league [set fedelity "no"]    
set balance ( count adults with [fedelity = "yes"] * Tickets_Price * 0.75)
ask adults [if color > 19.9 [set color 19.9]]
ask adults [if color < 10 [set color 10]]


to go
  ask adults [forward 0.2
  if ycor > 0 [set ycor (ycor - 15)]    
  if ycor < -15 [set ycor (ycor + 15)]]
  ask adults with [ color > 15 ]
      [ask adults in-radius 0.5[ if (color < 19.9 ) [set color (color + 0.2)]]]
  ask adults with [ color < 15 ]
      [ask adults in-radius 0.5 [ if (color > 10 ) [set color (color - 0.2)]]]
  ask adults [if color > 19.9 [set color 19.9]]
  ask adults [if color < 10 [set color 10]]
  if Tickets_Price <= 15 [ask adults with [fedelity = "no"] [set color (color + 0.1)]]
  if Tickets_Price >= 20 [ask adults with [fedelity = "no"] [set color (color - 0.1)]]
  ask adults [if color > 19.9 [set color 19.9]]
  ask adults [if color < 10 [set color 10]]

set Days (Days + 1)
if Days mod 7 = 0 [Sunday] 
if Days mod 7 = 0 [do-plots2]  


to Sunday 
  ask adults with [fedelity = "yes"] [setxy (random 30) (random 15)
    if (ycor = 0) [set ycor (ycor + 1)]]
  ask adults with [color >= 15] [setxy (random 30) (random 15)
    if (ycor = 0) [set ycor (ycor + 1)]]
  set b (random 3)
  if b = 0 [set result "L"]
  if b = 1 [set result "D"]
  if b = 2 [set result "W"]
  ask adults [if (result = "W")[ if ( ycor > 0) [set color (color + 2)]
                                if (ycor < 0) [set color (color + 1)]]]
  ask adults [if (result = "L")[ if ( ycor > 0) [set color (color - 2)]
                                if (ycor < 0) [set color (color - 1)]]]
  ask adults [if color > 19.9 [set color 19.9]]
  ask adults [if color < 10 [set color 10]]
  ask adults [if (ycor > 0)[if (result = "W") [ask adults in-radius 0.5 [if (color > 10) [set color (color + 0.2)]]]]]
  ask adults [if (ycor > 0)[if (result = "L") [ask adults in-radius 0.5 [if (color < 19.9) [set color (color - 0.2)]]]]]
  ask adults [if color > 19.9 [set color 19.9]]
  ask adults [if color < 10 [set color 10]]
  set balance (balance + (count adults with [ycor > 0] * Tickets_Price))
  if (result = "W") [set balance (balance + (count adults) + (count adults with [ycor > 0]* 2))]
  if (result = "L") [set balance  ( balance - ((count adults) * Tickets_Price))]

  ask adults [if color > 19.9 [set color 19.9]]
  ask adults [if color < 10 [set color 10]]
to News+
  ask adults with [color < 19.9 ][ set color (color + 2)]
  ask adults [if color > 19.9 [set color 19.9]]

to News-
  ask adults with [color > 10 ][ set color (color - 2)]
  ask adults [if color < 10 [set color 10]]


to Capital-Loss
  set c (random 50)
  if c > 0 [set balance (balance - (c))]
  if c > 0 [ask adults with [fedelity = "no"] [set color (color - 5)]]
  ask adults [if color < 10 [set color 10]]

to Capital-Gain
  set c (random 50)
  if c > 0 [set balance (balance + (c))]
  if c > 0 [ask adults with [fedelity = "no"] [set color (color + 5)]]
  ask adults [if color > 19.9 [set color 19.9]]

to do-plots1
  set-current-plot "happy and sad"
  set-current-plot-pen "happy"
  plot  count ( adults with [ color >= 15 ])
  set-current-plot-pen "sad"
 plot count ( adults with [ color < 15 ] )

to do-plots2
  set-current-plot "stadium"
  set-current-plot-pen "total"
  plot  count ( adults )
  set-current-plot-pen "people_stadium"
 plot count ( adults with [ ycor > 0 ] )

to do-plots3
  set-current-plot "balance"
  set-current-plot-pen "balance"
  plot  balance

to do-plots4
  set-current-plot "result"
  set-current-plot-pen "result"
  plot  b