Andrea Nocifora Antonio Rosanova Alberto Colliva

Simulation models for economics

Project work on

"Forecasting in an ASM."


The applet requires Java 1.4.1 or higher. It will not run on Windows 95 or Mac OS 8 or 9. Mac users must have OS X 10.2.6 or higher and use a browser that supports Java 1.4. (Safari works, IE does not. Mac OS X comes with Safari. Open Safari and set it as your default web browser under Safari/Preferences/General.) On other operating systems, you may obtain the latest Java plugin from Sun's Java site.

An introduction to Forecasting in an ASM application.

powered by NetLogo

view/download model file: forecasting_in_an_asm.nlogo


The model simulates the decision process and transactions of agents in an Artificial Stock Market. There are 3 classes of agents, each differentiated by their degree of "intelligence" and forecasting skills about the future prices of the stocks considered. In particular, one agent (represented by a star) uses an Artificial Neural Network (ANN) to make its forecasts (trained on a simulated time series using Python).


Each turn, agents have to take a decision on whether buying or selling the two stocks, or just doing nothing. The decisions are based on the next day's price forecast made by each agent, except the "dumb" ones, who just make their decision randomly.
After the decision is taken, the transaction (purchase or sale) actually takes place if the agent's expected return and risk aversion make him able to exceed a "threshold", equal for any agent, but different for the two stocks. Please notice that the stocks are not exchanged among the agents, but they are just bought and sold in the "market" (at most one stock for each type): hence, there are no supply-demand dynamics to be satisfied; the only constraints for the transactions are the amount of cash available (that should at least be equal to the minimum stock price to perform a purchase)and ,of course, the individual preference of agents (which are an increasing function of returns and a decreasing function of volatility the stock prices, as captured in the decision process).
The objective of the agents if maximizing their wealth.
If their wealth falls below a certain percentage of the initial cash (decided by the user through a slider), agents start following the same strategy that the wealthiest agent followed in the previous turn.


First of all the input boxes must be filled with the name of a file containing a time series of stock prices for the stocks. If you want to include an agent using an ANN the boxes on the left must contain the forecasts provided by the ANN. Notice that, though the model can be fully used with series provided by us (generated using R, with the forecasts made using Python), you are free to use any time series you like (even actual ones of course!).
Click the SETUP button to set up the agents.
Click the GO button to run the simulation.
The sliders allow the users to decide: the number of traders; the percentage of less skilled (dumb) agents (represented in a biggers size); the percentage of agents with high risk aversion; the percentage of transacting agents in the two stocks (this is helpful in order to adjust the "threshold"); the degree of intelligence of agents with forecasting skills (except the one using the ANN); the percentage of initial cash to be lost before starting imitation.
Pressing the "unlikely event" button, you give agents some "hints" on a forecasted market boom or crash, that may change their way of acting with a certain probability (prob_follow), leading them to buy or sell an unusual (i.e. more than one) amount of stocks in order to take advantage or hedge against the weird market conditions.


You could notice, as the simulation is running, the agents who are currently above their initial wealth (displayed in green) and those who are losing (in red). Agents who exit the market because of very high gains or losses are displayed in white. Imitators are displayed with the shape of a sheep. The graphs plot the time series of prices of the two stocks, the mean return (defined as amount gained or lost per unit of cash spent to buy stocks) and wealth of the two classes of agents, and the amount of buyers and sellers. At the end of the simulation the output panel on the right of the interface displays some useful terminal value and information; the yellow agent is the wealthiest one . One of the most important things to notice is the different performances of the classes of agents (normal, dumb and ANN agent). Moreover, try and guess whether the imitation will lead the imitating agent to a better financial condition.


Try and use the sliders you have at your disposal to see how different settings change the final result. Does the difference between dumb and normal agents fade away if we decrease the level of intelligence of the latter? Does the percentage of highly risk-averse agents change the number of transactions and performances of agents? How does the performances change if you use other time series of prices?


Instead of plotting only the stock prices, it might be interesting to plot also the returns. Some further interactions among the agents could be introduced. Moreover, instead of using previously generated time series, the model could be changed and extended by setting up a procedure for the exchange of stocks among agents and a mechanism (for example, based on supply and demand) for the determination of the stock price. Also, in order to add a bit more economic technicality, it might be interesting to set up the agents as they were DARA (Decreasing Absolute Risk Aversion) investors, with risk aversion decreasing with wealth (i.e. they are assumed to have an isoelastic utility function describing their preferences), while in our model their risk aversion is assumed to be constant.
Furthermore, it may be interesting to remove the short-sale constraint on the agents: will their strategies become more aggressive? How would that affect their performances?


globals [nAgents price1-tod price2-tod price1-tmw price2-tmw priceList1 priceList2 NNlist1 NNlist2 threshold1 threshold2 temp exit-ticks unsatisfied_1 unsatisfied_2]
breed [agents agent]
breed [dumbAgents dumbAgent]
turtles-own[initial_wealth stock1 stock2 cash wealth out-of-market buyer1 buyer2 seller1 seller2 mimicking 
  purchases1 sales1 return1 purchases2 sales2 return2 beenImitator transaction1 transaction2 NN]
agents-own[intelligence riskAversion decision-value forecasting-price1 forecasting-price2]

to setup 
  random-seed new-seed
 ;;loading input files (containing time series of stock prices generated by a stationary AR(2) for stock 1 and a non-stationary AR(1) process, i.e. random walk, for stock 2)
set priceList1 []
set priceList2 []
set NNlist1 []
set NNlist2 []
set exit-ticks []
set unsatisfied_1 []
set unsatisfied_2 []

file-open Input-file-price1
  while [not file-at-end?][set priceList1 lput file-read priceList1]
  ;print priceList1
  file-open Input-file-price2
  while [not file-at-end?][set priceList2 lput file-read priceList2]
  ;print priceList2
  file-open Input-NN-file-price1
  while [not file-at-end?][set NNlist1 lput file-read NNlist1]

file-open Input-NN-file-price2
  while [not file-at-end?][set NNlist2 lput file-read NNlist2]
  set nAgents nTurtles - int ((nTurtles * %_dumbAgents) / 100) ; agents with forecasting skills
  create-agents nAgents

  create-dumbAgents int ((nTurtles * %_dumbAgents) / 100) ;agents with no forecasting skills: just pick stocks randomly
  let side sqrt nTurtles
  let step max-pxcor / side
  set price1-tod item 0 priceList1 
  set price2-tod item 0 priceList2
    ask turtles [
    set shape "person"
    set color 95
    set out-of-market False
    set size 2
    set stock1 0
    set stock2 0
    set cash initialCash
    set stock1 n_stocks  
    set stock2 n_stocks
    set wealth (cash + stock1 * price1-tod + stock2 * price2-tod)
    set initial_wealth wealth
    set purchases1 (n_stocks * price1-tod)
    set sales1 0
    set purchases2 (n_stocks * price2-tod)
    set sales2 0
    set beenImitator false
    set transaction1 0
    set transaction2 0
    set NN false
 ask dumbAgents[
   set size 3
  ask agents
    set intelligence degree_intelligence
    set NN false   
    set riskAversion 10
    set threshold1 7
    set threshold2 7
  ask n-of (%_highlyRiskAverse_Agents * nAgents / 100) agents [  ;creating heterogeneity concerning agents risk aversion 
    set riskAversion 20
  let an 0

  let x 0
  let y 0
  while [an < nTurtles]
    if x > (side - 1) * step 
                [set y y + step
                 set x 0       ]
    ask turtle an
     [setxy x y]
    set x x + step
    set an an + 1 
  if NN_agent = true [ask n-of 1 agents [set NN true 
      set shape "star"]]

to go
   if exchange_transaction and n_stocks = 0 [output-print "ERROR -> Turtles don't hold any stock"
  if ticks > length priceList1 - 3 [
    ask turtles with-max [wealth][set color 46]
  set price1-tod item ticks priceList1        ;updating prices using the lists created using the input files
  set price2-tod item ticks priceList2
  set price1-tmw item (ticks + 1) priceList1 
  set price2-tmw item (ticks + 1) priceList2
 let action-list []     ; creating a list of the previous turn actions for the wealthiest agent 
 ask turtles with-max [wealth][
   set action-list lput buyer1 action-list
   set action-list lput buyer2 action-list
   set action-list lput seller1 action-list
   set action-list lput seller2 action-list]
    ;print action-list

  ask turtles with [out-of-market = false][    ;initializing the buyer and seller agent's variables
  set buyer1 false
  set buyer2 false
  set seller1 false
  set seller2 false
  if wealth >= initial_wealth and mimicking = true [set mimicking false  ; if wealth gets back to its initial value (= initial cash), agents stop mimicking
    set shape "person"
    if NN = true [set shape "star"]
  ifelse wealth >= initial_wealth [set color 65][set color 15]
  ask dumbAgents [  ;setting up the decision process for dumb agents
    if out-of-market = false [
    let random_value random 3
    pick_stock random_value 1
    set random_value random 3
    pick_stock random_value 2
  ask agents with [NN = false][ 
    if out-of-market = false [
    ;Building forecasting-price value
    let randValue 0
    ifelse random 2 = 0[set randValue random-float intelligence][set randValue random-float ( - intelligence)]
    set forecasting-price1 price1-tmw + randValue;random-normal price1-tmw intelligence   ;creating forecast for intelligent agents

    ifelse random 2 = 0[set randValue random-float (intelligence)][set randValue random-float ( - intelligence)]
    set forecasting-price2 price2-tmw + randValue;random-normal price2-tmw (intelligence / 10) ;divide the degree of intelligence by 10 in order to make it uniform wrt the std. dev. of the time series of stock 2 (less volatile)                    ;print price1-tod print price1-tmw
                 ;Given the forecast the agent decide whether to buy or sell by means of the decision function
                 decision forecasting-price1 price1-tod 1
                 decision forecasting-price2 price2-tod 2
  ask agents with [NN = true][
    if out-of-market = false [
      set forecasting-price1 item (ticks + 1) NNlist1
      set forecasting-price2 item (ticks + 1) NNlist2   
      decisionNN forecasting-price1 price1-tod 1 %_transacting1
      decisionNN forecasting-price2 price2-tod 2 %_transacting2
  ask turtles [
    if out-of-market = false [
     set wealth cash + stock1 * price1-tod + stock2 * price2-tod      ;update wealth and check if out of market
     if out-of-market = true [set color white]
  ask turtles with [wealth < initial_wealth - (%_lost_wealth * initial_wealth / 100) ][set shape "sheep 2"
    set mimicking true
    set beenImitator true]
  ask turtles with [mimicking = true][mimick action-list]   ;using function mimick for imitation purposes
  set nAgents count agents
  ;print nAgents
  let n_decision_value1 count turtles with [seller1 = true or buyer1 = true]
  let n_decision_value2 count turtles with [seller2 = true or buyer2 = true]
  ;print "inizio"
  ifelse exchange_transaction [exchange ] [transact]

  ;print "threshold1" print threshold1 
  ;print "threshold2" print threshold2 
  if Events [
    if random 1000 < 3 [unlikely_event]
  set unsatisfied_1 lput (count turtles with [seller1 = true or buyer1 = true] / n_decision_value1 * 100)  unsatisfied_1
  set unsatisfied_2 lput (count turtles with [seller2 = true or buyer2 = true] / n_decision_value2 * 100) unsatisfied_2

to decision[forecastingPrice priceTOD stock]   
  let diff forecastingPrice - priceTOD
  ifelse diff > 0  ;If diff > 0 -> buy or pass; If diff < 0 -> sell or pass; If diff = 0 then it's an automatic pass since it is at the numerator 
   set decision-value 1000 * (diff / priceTOD) / riskAversion    ; BUY OR PASS DECISION
   if decision-value > threshold stock [
                                  buyer stock                ;Notice that threshold is not a variable but a function and it's is the same for buying or selling since the parameters are the same
    ;print "SELL!!!"
    set decision-value 10 * (- diff / priceTOD) * riskAversion    ;SELL OR PASS DECISION
   if decision-value > threshold stock [
                                  seller stock

to decisionNN[forecastingPrice priceTOD stock %_transacting]   
  let diff forecastingPrice - priceTOD
  ifelse diff > 0  ;If diff > 0 -> buy or pass; If diff < 0 -> sell or pass; If diff = 0 then it's an automatic pass since it is at the numerator 
   if random-float 100 < %_transacting [
                                  buyer stock                ;Notice that threshold is not a variable but a function and it's is the same for buying or selling since the parameters are the same
  [    ;print "SELL!!!"
   if random-float 100 < %_transacting [
                                  seller stock

to transact                      ; agents actually buy/sell
  ask turtles[
    if buyer1 = true[buy 1]
    if seller1 = true [sell 1]
    if buyer2 = true[buy 2]
    if seller2 = true [sell 2]

to-report threshold[stock]      
  if stock = 1[report threshold1]
  if stock = 2[report threshold2]

to buyer[stock]      
  if stock = 1[set buyer1 true]
  if stock = 2[set buyer2 true]

to seller[stock]      
  if stock = 1[set seller1 true]
  if stock = 2[set seller2 true]

to update-threshold
  ;!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! count turtles o count agents????????????????!!!!!!!!!!????????
  let n1 count agents with [buyer1 = true and out-of-market = false] + count agents with [seller1 = true and out-of-market = false]
  let n2 count agents with [buyer2 = true and out-of-market = false] + count agents with [seller2 = true and out-of-market = false]
  let tot count agents with [out-of-market = false]
  if tot > 0[
  ifelse (n1 * 100 ) / tot > %_transacting1 [set threshold1 threshold1 * 1.05 ]    ;based on the chosen amount of transacting agents the threshold is updated upward or downward
  [set threshold1 threshold1 * 0.95]  
  ifelse (n2 * 100 ) / tot > %_transacting2 [set threshold2 threshold2 * 1.05 ]
  [set threshold2 threshold2 * 0.95] 

to buy[stock]      
   ifelse stock = 1
    [ if cash > price1-tod
      [set stock1 stock1 + 1 
       set cash cash - price1-tod
       set purchases1 purchases1 + price1-tod
       set transaction1 transaction1 + 1
       ] ] 
    [ if cash > price2-tod
      [set stock2 stock2 + 1
       set cash cash - price2-tod
       set purchases2 purchases2 + price2-tod
       set transaction2 transaction2 + 1
       ] ]

to sell[stock]
 ifelse stock = 1
    [ if stock1 > 0
      [set stock1 stock1 - 1 
       set cash cash + price1-tod
       set sales1 sales1 + price1-tod
       set transaction1 transaction1 + 1
       ] ]
    [ if stock2 > 0
      [set stock2 stock2 - 1
       set cash cash + price2-tod
       set sales2 sales2 + price2-tod
       set transaction2 transaction2 + 1
       ] ]

to pick_stock[value stock]    ;decision on whether buying or selling for dumb agents
  if value = 1[buyer stock]
  if value = 2[seller stock]

to exit         ;terminal conditions to exit the market   
  if (wealth < (initial_wealth * 0.4)) [set out-of-market true]
  if wealth >= (3 * initial_wealth) and NN = false [set out-of-market true
    set exit-ticks lput ticks exit-ticks]
  if wealth >= (3 * initial_wealth) and NN = true [set out-of-market true 
    output-type "NN agent exit tick: " output-print ticks]

to mimick[action-list]    ; setting action-list of mimicking agents
  if item 0 action-list = true [set buyer1 true]
  if item 2 action-list = true [set seller1 true]
  if item 1 action-list = true [set buyer2 true]
  if item 3 action-list = true [set seller2 true]

to unlikely_event                    ; randomly decide which event will occur
  let randomNumber random 2
  if randomNumber = 0[stock1Boom]
  if randomNumber = 1[stock1Crash]
  plot-events ticks 

to stock1Boom       ; random event -> rising price for stock 1
 output-type "Tick: " output-type ticks output-print " -> FORECASTED STOCK BOOM"
 ask agents[                               ; based on the probability that they will believe the forecasts about the unlikely event, agents make their decision on whether they shall believe it or not
   if out-of-market = false [
   if random 100 < prob_follow [while [cash > price1-tod][buy 1] ]
   ] ]
 ask dumbAgents[                           ; probability to believe is higher for dumb agents
   if out-of-market = false [
 if random 100 < prob_follow + 20 [while [cash > price1-tod][buy 1] ]

to stock1Crash     ; random event -> falling price for stock 1
 output-type "Tick: " output-type ticks output-print " -> FORECASTED STOCK CRASH"
 ask agents[       ;based on their probability to believe, agents make their unusual transactions
   if out-of-market = false [
   if random 100 < prob_follow [repeat stock1 [sell 1] ]
   ] ]
 ask dumbAgents[
   if out-of-market = false [
 if random 100 < prob_follow + 20 [repeat stock1 [sell 1] ]

to graph  
  let n1 count turtles with [buyer1 = true] 
  let n3 count turtles with [buyer2 = true]
  let n2 count turtles with [seller1 = true] 
  let n4 count turtles with [seller2 = true]
  set-current-plot "stocks"
  set-current-plot-pen "price1"
  plot price1-tod
  set-current-plot-pen "price2"
  plot price2-tod
  set-current-plot "buyers and sellers"
  set-current-plot-pen "buyers1"
  if what_plot = "Buyers" or what_plot = "Stock1" [plot n1]
  set-current-plot-pen "sellers1"
  if what_plot = "Sellers" or what_plot = "Stock1" [plot n2]
  set-current-plot-pen "buyers2"
  if what_plot = "Buyers" or what_plot = "Stock2" [plot n3]
  set-current-plot-pen "sellers2"
  if what_plot = "Sellers" or what_plot = "Stock2" [plot n4]
   set-current-plot "Thresholds"
  set-current-plot-pen "threshold-stock1"
  plot threshold1
   set-current-plot-pen "threshold-stock2"
  plot threshold2
  ;print item 0 [forecasting-price1] of agents with [NN = true]
;if ticks > 0 [
  ;set-current-plot "NN prices forecasts"
  ;set-current-plot-pen "price1"
  ;plot price1-tod
  ;set-current-plot-pen "price1 NN"
  ;plot item 0 [forecasting-price1] of agents with [NN = true]
  ;set-current-plot-pen "price2"
  ;plot price2-tod
  ;set-current-plot-pen "price2 NN"
  ;plot item 0 [forecasting-price2] of agents with [NN = true]
  ;Computing the ex-post mean returns
  ask agents [
  let meanReturn1 0
  let meanReturn2 0
  if count agents with [purchases1 != 0] != 0 [  
  set meanReturn1 mean [return1] of agents with [purchases1 != 0]]
  if count agents with [purchases2 != 0] != 0[ 
  set meanReturn2 mean [return2] of agents with [purchases2 != 0]] 

 ask dumbAgents [
 let meanReturnDumb1 0
 let meanReturnDumb2 0
 if count dumbAgents with [purchases1 != 0] != 0 and count dumbAgents != 0[
  set meanReturnDumb1 mean [return1] of dumbAgents with [purchases1 != 0]]
 if count dumbAgents with [purchases2 != 0] != 0 and count dumbAgents != 0[
  set meanReturnDumb2 mean [return2] of dumbAgents with [purchases2 != 0]] 
  ; Plotting returns
  set-current-plot "Mean returns"
  set-current-plot-pen "return1"
  plot meanReturn1
   set-current-plot-pen "return2"
  plot meanReturn2
  ;print meanReturn2
  if count dumbAgents != 0[
  set-current-plot-pen "return1dumb"
  plot meanReturnDumb1
  set-current-plot-pen "return2dumb"
  plot meanReturnDumb2
  ;Plotting wealth
  let meanWealth mean [wealth] of agents
  set-current-plot "Mean wealth"
  set-current-plot-pen "wealth"
  plot meanWealth
  if count dumbAgents != 0 [
  let meanWealthDumb mean [wealth] of dumbAgents
   set-current-plot-pen "wealth dumb"
  plot meanWealthDumb]

to output-data         ; Sending the stastics and data to the output display in the interface
  if exit-ticks != [] [output-type "Mean exit ticks: " output-print mean exit-ticks]
  output-print ""
  let n1 count turtles with [out-of-market = true and wealth < initial_wealth * 0.4 ]
  let n2 count turtles with [out-of-market = true and wealth > initial_wealth]
  if exchange_transaction[
    output-type "Unsatisfied demand stock 1: " output-type mean unsatisfied_1 output-print " %"   
    output-type "Unsatisfied demand stock 2: " output-type mean unsatisfied_2 output-print " %" 
    output-print ""
  output-type "Losers: " output-print n1    ; losers went out-of-market because of heavy losses (none at the moment: too strict condition?!?)
  output-type "Winners: " output-print n2   ; winners exit the market because they gained enough to spend a very comfortable retirement
  output-print ""
  output-type "% imitators_agents: " output-print (count agents with [beenImitator = true]) / count agents * 100       ; number of agents that have been mimicking at least once
  if count dumbAgents != 0[output-type "% imitators_dumb: " output-print (count dumbAgents with [beenImitator = true]) / count dumbAgents * 100   ]; number of dumb agents that have been mimicking at least once 
  output-print ""
  output-type "Mean Agents' wealth: " output-print mean [wealth] of agents 
  if count dumbAgents != 0[output-type "Mean dumb Agents' wealth: " output-print mean [wealth] of dumbAgents]
  if count agents with [NN = true] != 0 [output-type "NN Agent's wealth: " output-print item 0 [wealth] of agents with [NN = true]]
  output-print ""
  output-print "Agents'average n. transaction stock 1"             ; number of transactions depending on risk aversion: does it affect agents' choice on whether transacting or passing
  output-type "High risk aversion: " output-print mean [transaction1] of agents with [riskAversion = 20]
  output-type "Low risk aversion: " output-print mean [transaction1] of agents with [riskAversion = 10]
  if count agents with [NN = true] != 0 [output-type "NN agent: " output-print item 0 [transaction1] of agents with [NN = true]]
  output-print ""
  output-print "Agents'average n. transaction stock 2"             
  output-type "High risk aversion: " output-print mean [transaction2] of agents with [riskAversion = 20]
  output-type "Low risk aversion: " output-print mean [transaction2] of agents with [riskAversion = 10]
  if count agents with [NN = true] != 0 [output-type "NN agent: " output-print item 0 [transaction2] of agents with [NN = true]]
  output-print ""
  if count dumbAgents != 0[
  output-print "Dumb agents'average n. transaction "
  output-type "stock 1: " output-print mean [transaction1] of dumbAgents
  output-type "stock 2: " output-print mean [transaction2] of dumbAgents
  output-print ""]
  let meanReturn1 mean [return1] of agents with [purchases1 != 0]
  let meanReturn2 mean [return2] of agents with [purchases2 != 0] 
  let std-dev-Return1 standard-deviation [return1] of agents with [purchases1 != 0]
  let std-dev-Return2 standard-deviation [return2] of agents with [purchases2 != 0]
  let maxReturn1 max [return1] of agents with [purchases1 != 0]
  let maxReturn2 max [return2] of agents with [purchases2 != 0]
  let minReturn1 min [return1] of agents with [purchases1 != 0]
  let minReturn2 min [return2] of agents with [purchases2 != 0]
  output-print "Agents, stock1: "                   ; statistics regarding returns for agents
  output-type "% Mean return: " output-type meanReturn1 output-type " standard deviation: " output-print std-dev-Return1
  output-type "max: " output-type maxReturn1 output-type " min: " output-print minReturn1
  output-print ""
  output-print "Agents, stock2: "
  output-type "% Mean return: " output-type meanReturn2 output-type " standard deviation: " output-print std-dev-Return2
  output-type "max: " output-type maxReturn2 output-type " min: " output-print minReturn2
  output-print ""
  if count dumbAgents != 0[
  set meanReturn1 mean [return1] of dumbAgents with [purchases1 != 0]
  set meanReturn2 mean [return2] of dumbAgents with [purchases2 != 0] 
  set std-dev-Return1 standard-deviation [return1] of dumbAgents with [purchases1 != 0]
  set std-dev-Return2 standard-deviation [return2] of dumbAgents with [purchases2 != 0]
  set maxReturn1 max [return1] of dumbAgents with [purchases1 != 0]
  set maxReturn2 max [return2] of dumbAgents with [purchases2 != 0]
  set minReturn1 min [return1] of dumbAgents with [purchases1 != 0]
  set minReturn2 min [return2] of dumbAgents with [purchases2 != 0]
  output-print "dumbAgents, stock1: "              ; statistics regarding returns for dumb agents
  output-type "% Mean return: " output-type meanReturn1 output-type " standard deviation: " output-print std-dev-Return1
  output-type "max: " output-type maxReturn1 output-type " min: " output-print minReturn1
  output-print ""
  output-print "dumbAgents, stock2: "
  output-type "% Mean return: " output-type meanReturn2 output-type " standard deviation: " output-print std-dev-Return2
  output-type "max: " output-type maxReturn2 output-type " min: " output-print minReturn2
  output-print ""]
  if count agents with [NN = true] != 0 [
  output-print "NN Agent, stock1: "  
  output-type "% Return:" output-type item 0 [return1] of agents with [NN = true] 
  output-print ""
  output-print "NN Agent, stock2: "  
  output-type "% Return:" output-type item 0 [return2] of agents with [NN = true] 

to plot-events [x]
 set-current-plot "Mean returns"
  set-current-plot-pen "Event"
  plotxy x -100
  plotxy x 100

to return                  ; defining return measure
  if purchases1 != 0 [
  set return1 ((sales1 + stock1 * price1-tod) - purchases1) / purchases1 * 100 ]
  if purchases2 != 0 [
  set return2 ((sales2 + stock2 * price2-tod) - purchases2) / purchases2 * 100  ]

to exchange 
  let logB []
  let logS []
  ask turtles[  
    if buyer1 = true and cash > price1-tod[
      set logB lput who logB
    if seller1 = true and stock1 > 0 [
      set logS lput who logS]
  while[ logS != [] and logB != []][
    ask turtle (item 0 logB)[buy 1
      set buyer1 false]
      ask turtle (item 0 logS) [sell 1
        set seller1 false]
      set logB remove-item 0 logB
      set logS remove-item 0 logS
  set logB []
  set logS []
  ask turtles[  
    if buyer2 = true and cash > price2-tod[
      set logB lput who logB
    if seller2 = true and stock2 > 0 [
      set logS lput who logS]
  while[ logS != [] and logB != []][
    ask turtle (item 0 logB)[buy 2
      set buyer2 false
      ask turtle (item 0 logS) [sell 2
        set seller2 false
      set logB remove-item 0 logB
      set logS remove-item 0 logS
  ;type "Tick: "  print ticks
  ;print logB
  ;print logS
  ;type "unsatisfied sellers " print count turtles with [seller2 = true]
  ;type "unsatisfied buyers " print count turtles with [buyer2 = true]