Enrico Licata

Simulation models for economics

Project work on

"Network of opinions."


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Here you have an explanatory report about the work.

powered by NetLogo

view/download model file: network_of_opinions.nlogo


The project's purpose is to observe how a human-like network reacts to the diffusion of news. The simulation takes into account a small set of parameters (editable by user), then plots at each time step, the system's opinion (in form of an hystogram) depending on all the parameters.
The set of parameters includes:

number-of-agents: the number of nodes that will be created, at the beginning of the simulations, to obtain a network

news: the data that will be available to each agent in the system. From the agents' point of view there will be 3 news, with the same value of this parameter, but tagged in 3 different ways to simulate the coexistence of 3 political parties

information-mean: the mean value that will be used to construct a normal distribution from which random normal values will be estracted and given to each agent, to set their "Information level" (the ability to autonomously get the news from system)

information-stdev: the standard deviaton of the above mentioned normal distibution

knowledge-mean: the mean value that will be used to construct a normal distribution from which random normal values will be estracted and given to each agent, to set their "Knowledge level" (the ability to correctly understand the obtained news)

knowledge-stdev: the standard deviaton of the above mentioned normal distibution

leverage-mean: the mean value that will be used to construct a normal distribution from which random normal values will be estracted and given to each agent, to set their "Leverage level" (the tendency of each agent to assume an opinion similar to the opinion of his neighbors)

leverage-stdev: the standard deviaton of the above mentioned normal distibution


The network is created using a preferential attachment algorithm, like the one proposed by Barabasi-Albert (Emergence of scaling in random networks; Albert-Laszlo Barabasi ? Reka Albert), then the nodes are arranged to obtain a "user friendly" layout. Each time a node is created, the program sets all the parameters needed to run the sumulation using the data shown on the sliders (like information-mean, information-stdev, etc.).
Once the network is complete it's possible to start the simulation:

The first operation made by the program, is to check if the agents receive (or not) the informations (news) available in the system.
One random value in the [0,1) range is generated and confronted with the information level of the agent: if the random value was less than or equal to the information level, the agent successfully receives the news. This operation is repeated for each agent in the network, and for each of the 3 tipes of news (3 tags)

The second operation is to check if the agents have understood correctly the news, or if their level of knowledge introduced an error. To do this, a new check is made, using the same operation explained above. This time, if the check is successful, the agents copy the exact news into their private variables. If the check is not successful, an error is introduced: the lower the knowledge level of the agents, the bigger the error that will be introduced.

The third step involves political orientation. With another check the program determine if the agents agree with the news they get. Each agent compute its own level of confidence in each one of the political parties present in the system (3 for now). This computation is based upon its political orientation. Then this "confidence" is used to check if the agents believe o simply agree, with the news acconding to their sources.
For expample an agent member of the party "-1" (possible parties -1,0,1), has a higher probability to agree with a news coming from a source, that is also member of the same party, and, of course, a lower probability to agree with the news coming from the other sources.

The fourth step involves comunication between agents: after all the agents that received a news in the step one, have completed the above steps, it's time for the other, less informed agents, to become part of the process.
Each agent asks all its neighbors for their own opinion (news received and alterated by knowledge level or political orientation), then weighs all these opinion according to its confidence in the source (determined by political orientation) and according to its own leverage level (the tendency to imitate others). Finally the agent assumes a final opinion taking into account all these elements.
The fourth step is then repeated until a stationary state is reached or until the user stops the simulation. At each tick a histogram, showing the opinion distribution of the system, is updatad, allowing the user to understand what is happining iside the network.


-set the number of agents (number of nodes in the network)
-set the news (the information that will be available to agents during simulation)
-set the sliders for Information, Knowledge, Leverage level (mean & stdev)

-create network (a network is created with all the paramaters set)

-go (the agent start to complete all the steps expalined above)

-color by "selection" & update colors (filters to get more visual info on the network)

-Information Level
-Knowledge Level
-Social Leverage
-Political orientation
For these 4 filters similar colors correspond to similar opinions

Color code: -1 = red ; 0 = yellow ; 1 = cian

-News Received
Color code: 0 = red ; 1 = orange ; 2 = yellow ; 3 = green

Color code: 0 = red ; 1 = orange ; 2 = yellow ; 3 = green

-It's possible to modify the values of the parameters used to create te network, also after the creation process, using sliders al clicking on the corresponding set button


Width and average of the Histogram of opinons.
Time needed to get to a stationary state or at least to make all the opinons set near the value of the news.
The distibution of the agents using the color filters.


Try moving the sliders controlling the system parameters and se how they influence the outcome of the opinion distribution on the system


There are a lot of possible steps that could be taken in the analisys of this kind of networks.
First of all, mainly for lack of time, it’s not been possible to investigate the agreement of the agents concerning the news received: a couple of variable are taking this into account, but this informations, for now, are not used to study the system.
Another interesting development could be the evolution of the network on two different levels:
on a microscopic level, we could have agents able to learn from experience and change not only their opinions, but also the parameters used to get the news from the system or from other agents.
On a macroscopic level we could develop a network evolving in time, with agents borning and dying (at a given rate) during the simulation and observe how the experience made by the agents can pass on to the new generations.
It could also be interesting to see how this kind of network would react to the coexistence of totally different news.
Finally we have the feeling that the software created could be investigated in a deeper way trying to find analitical expression for the opinion distribution obtained, or simply getting other informations from the system, getting to a more complete characterization of the diffusion and reception of news into a real-like network.


For the part concerning the creation of the network and its layout this model is based upon the "Preferential Attachment" model already present in the NetLogo models library

- Copyright 2005 Uri Wilensky. All rights reserved. See http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/models/PreferentialAttachment for terms of use.


globals [n-times info-counter knowledge-counter political-counter]
breed   [people person]
breed   [spreaders spreader]

people-own [

spreaders-own [party]

to reset-network

to create-network

to set-initial-conditions

to go


to initialize
  ifelse ticks = 0
    set-default-shape turtles "circle"
    make-node nobody    
    ask turtles 
      set color white
      set political-orientation precision (random-float 2 - 1) 2
    make-node turtle 0  ask turtle 1 
      set color white
      set-political-orientation turtle 0
    set n-times number-of-people - 2
  [set n-times number-of-people]

to evolve
  repeat n-times
    ask links [ set color gray ]
    make-node find-partner

to make-node [old-node]
  create-people 1
    set color red
    if old-node != nobody
        create-link-with old-node [ set color green ]
        move-to old-node
        fd 8
        set-political-orientation old-node

to-report find-partner
  let total random-float sum [count link-neighbors] of turtles
  let partner nobody
  ask turtles
    set color white
    let nc count link-neighbors
    if partner = nobody
      ifelse nc > total
        [ set partner self ]
        [ set total total - nc ]
  report partner

to layout
  ;; the number 3 here is arbitrary; more repetitions slows down the
  ;; model, but too few gives poor layouts
  repeat 3 [
    ;; the more turtles we have to fit into the same amount of space,
    ;; the smaller the inputs to layout-spring we'll need to use
    let factor sqrt count turtles
    ;; numbers here are arbitrarily chosen for pleasing appearance
    layout-spring turtles links (1 / factor) (7 / factor) (1 / factor)
    display  ;; for smooth animation
  ;; don't bump the edges of the world
  let x-offset max [xcor] of turtles + min [xcor] of turtles
  let y-offset max [ycor] of turtles + min [ycor] of turtles
  ;; big jumps look funny, so only adjust a little each time
  set x-offset limit-magnitude x-offset 0.1
  set y-offset limit-magnitude y-offset 0.1
  ask turtles [ setxy (xcor - x-offset / 2) (ycor - y-offset / 2) ]

to-report limit-magnitude [number limit]
  if number > limit [ report limit ]
  if number < (- limit) [ report (- limit) ]
  report number

to reset-vars
  ask people
    set info-L-received false
    set info-C-received false
    set info-R-received false
    set data-L 0
    set data-C 0
    set data-R 0
    set news-weighted 0
    set news-indirect 0
    set news-final 0
    set weight-L 0
    set weight-C 0
    set weight-R 0
    set agreement-L 0
    set agreement-C 0
    set agreement-R 0
    set party 0
    set comp-err 0 
    set pol-err 0
  set info-counter 0
  set knowledge-counter 0
  set political-counter 0

to set-information-level
  let counter 0
  while [counter != 1]
    set information-level (precision (random-normal information-mean information-stdev) 2)
    if (information-level >= 0 and information-level < 1.00) [set counter 1]

to set-information-level2
  ask people
    let counter 0
    while [counter != 1]
      set information-level (precision (random-normal information-mean information-stdev) 2)
      if (information-level >= 0 and information-level < 1.00) [set counter 1]
  set-current-plot "Information"
  set-current-plot-pen "People"
  set-histogram-num-bars 50
  set-plot-y-range 0 5
  histogram [information-level] of people

to set-knowledge-level
  let counter 0
  while [counter != 1]
    set knowledge-level (precision (random-normal knowledge-mean knowledge-stdev) 2)
    if (knowledge-level >= 0 and knowledge-level < 1.00) [set counter 1]

to set-political-orientation2
  ask people
    let target (max-one-of link-neighbors [count link-neighbors])
    ifelse ((precision (random-float 1) 2) < leverage-level)
      if ([party] of target = -1) [set political-orientation precision ((random-float -0.66) - 0.33) 2]
      if ([party] of target =  0) [set political-orientation precision ((random-float  0.66) - 0.33) 2]
      if ([party] of target =  1) [set political-orientation precision ((random-float  0.66) + 0.33) 2]     
    [set political-orientation precision ((random-float 2) - 1) 2]
    if (political-orientation <= -0.33)                                  [set party (- 1)]    
    if (political-orientation > -0.33 and  political-orientation < 0.33) [set party 0]    
    if (political-orientation >= 0.33)                                   [set party 1]
  set-current-plot "Politics"
  set-current-plot-pen "People"
  set-histogram-num-bars 50
  set-plot-y-range 0 5
  histogram [political-orientation] of people

to set-political-orientation [target]            
  ifelse ((precision (random-float 1) 2) < leverage-level)
      if ([party] of target = -1) [set political-orientation precision ((random-float -0.66) - 0.33) 2]
      if ([party] of target =  0) [set political-orientation precision ((random-float  0.66) - 0.33) 2]
      if ([party] of target =  1) [set political-orientation precision ((random-float  0.66) + 0.33) 2]     
    [set political-orientation precision ((random-float 2) - 1) 2]

  if (political-orientation <= -0.33)                                     [set party (- 1)]    
  if (political-orientation > -0.33 and  political-orientation < 0.33) [set party 0]    
  if (political-orientation >= 0.33)                                      [set party 1]

to set-confidence 
  let counter 0
  while [counter != 1]
    set confidence-L (precision (0.50 - 0.50 * political-orientation) 2)
    if (confidence-L >= 0 and confidence-L <= 1.00) [set counter 1]
  set counter 0
  while [counter != 1]
    set confidence-C (precision (1 - abs(0.50 * political-orientation) )2)
    if (confidence-C >= 0 and confidence-C <= 1.00) [set counter 1]
  set counter 0
  while [counter != 1]
    set confidence-R (precision (0.50 + 0.50 * political-orientation) 2)
    if (confidence-R >= 0 and confidence-R <= 1.00) [set counter 1]

to plot-info
  set-current-plot "Information"
  set-current-plot-pen "People"
  set-histogram-num-bars 50
  set-plot-y-range 0 5
  histogram [information-level] of people
  set-current-plot "Knowledge"
  set-current-plot-pen "People"
  set-histogram-num-bars 50
  set-plot-y-range 0 5
  histogram [knowledge-level] of people
  set-current-plot "Social Leverage"
  set-current-plot-pen "People"
  set-histogram-num-bars 50
  set-plot-y-range 0 5
  histogram [leverage-level] of people
  set-current-plot "Politics"
  set-current-plot-pen "People"
  set-histogram-num-bars 50
  set-plot-y-range 0 5
  histogram [political-orientation] of people

to set-knowledge-level2
  ask people
    let counter 0
    while [counter != 1]
      set knowledge-level (precision (random-normal knowledge-mean knowledge-stdev) 2)
      if (knowledge-level >= 0 and knowledge-level < 1.00) [set counter 1]
  set-current-plot "Knowledge"
  set-current-plot-pen "People"
  set-histogram-num-bars 50
  set-plot-y-range 0 5
  histogram [knowledge-level] of people

to set-confidence2
  ask people
    let counter 0
    while [counter != 1]
      set confidence-L (precision (0.50 - 0.50 * political-orientation) 2)
      if (confidence-L >= 0 and confidence-L <= 1.00) [set counter 1]
        set counter 0
    while [counter != 1]
      set confidence-C (precision (1 - abs(0.50 * political-orientation) )2)
      if (confidence-C >= 0 and confidence-C <= 1.00) [set counter 1]
        set counter 0
    while [counter != 1]
      set confidence-R (precision (0.50 + 0.50 * political-orientation) 2)
      if (confidence-R >= 0 and confidence-R <= 1.00) [set counter 1]

to set-leverage2
  ask people
    let counter 0
    while [counter != 1]
      set leverage-level (precision (random-normal leverage-mean leverage-stdev) 2)
      if (leverage-level >= 0 and leverage-level < 1.00) [set counter 1]
  set-current-plot "Social Leverage"
  set-current-plot-pen "People"
  set-histogram-num-bars 50
  set-plot-y-range 0 5
  histogram [leverage-level] of people

to set-leverage

    let counter 0
    while [counter != 1]
      set leverage-level (precision (random-normal leverage-mean leverage-stdev) 2)
      if (leverage-level >= 0 and leverage-level < 1.00) [set counter 1]

to check-info
  if (info-counter = 0)
    ask people
      ifelse (precision (random-float 1) 2 <= information-level) 
        set info-L-received true
        set info-n info-n + 1
      [set info-L-received false]
      ifelse (precision (random-float 1) 2 <= information-level) 
        set info-C-received true
        set info-n info-n + 1
      [set info-C-received false]
      ifelse (precision (random-float 1) 2 <= information-level) 
        set info-R-received true
        set info-n info-n + 1
      [set info-R-received false]
      set info-counter 1

to check-knowledge
  if (knowledge-counter = 0)
    ask people
      ifelse (info-L-received = true)
        ifelse (precision (random-float 1) 2 <= knowledge-level) 
        [set data-L news] 
          set comp-err (precision (1 - knowledge-level) 2)
          let epsilon (random-float (comp-err * 2) - comp-err) * news
          set data-L (precision (news + epsilon) 2)
        set data-L 0
      ifelse (info-C-received = true)
        ifelse (precision (random-float 1) 2 <= knowledge-level) 
        [set data-C news] 
          set comp-err (precision (1 - knowledge-level) 2)
          let epsilon (random-float (comp-err * 2) - comp-err) * news
          set data-C (precision (news + epsilon) 2)
        set data-C 0
      ifelse (info-R-received = true)
        ifelse (precision (random-float 1) 2 <= knowledge-level) 
        [set data-R news] 
          set comp-err (precision (1 - knowledge-level) 2)
          let epsilon (random-float (comp-err * 2) - comp-err) * news
          set data-R (precision (news + epsilon) 2)
        set data-R 0
      ifelse(data-L = 0)
      [set weight-L 0]
      [set weight-L confidence-L]  
      ifelse(data-C = 0)
      [set weight-C 0]
      [set weight-C confidence-C]
      ifelse(data-R = 0)
      [set weight-R 0]
      [set weight-R confidence-R]
      ifelse(weight-L = 0 and weight-C = 0 and weight-R = 0)
      [set news-weighted 0]
      [set news-weighted precision ((data-L *  weight-L + data-C * weight-C + data-R * weight-R) / (weight-L + weight-C + weight-R)) 2]
      set knowledge-counter 1

to check-political
  if (political-counter = 0)
    ask people
      if (info-L-received = true)
       ifelse (precision random-float 1 2 <= confidence-L) 
         set agreement-L true 
         set agreement-n (agreement-n + 1)
       [set agreement-L false]
      if (info-C-received = true)
       ifelse (precision random-float 1 2 <= confidence-C) 
         set agreement-C true
         set agreement-n (agreement-n + 1)
       [set agreement-C false]
      if (info-R-received = true)
       ifelse (precision random-float 1 2 <= confidence-R) 
         set agreement-R true
         set agreement-n (agreement-n + 1)
       [set agreement-R false]
       set political-counter 1

to check-friends
  ask people
    let friends sort link-neighbors 
    let friends-news   map [[news-weighted] of ?] friends
    let friends-party  map [[party] of ?] friends
    let friends-weight (map [check ?1 ?2] friends-news friends-party)
    set friends-news (map [precision (?1 * ?2) 2] friends-news friends-weight)
    let weights sum friends-weight
    let info    sum friends-news
    ifelse (weights != 0)
    [set news-indirect precision (info / weights) 2]
    [set news-indirect 0]

to-report check [i j]
  if (i =  0)  [report 0]
  if (j = -1)  [report confidence-L]
  if (j =  0)  [report confidence-C]
  if (j =  1)  [report confidence-R]

to set-opinion
  ask people
    ifelse (news-weighted != 0)
      set news-final precision (news-indirect * leverage-level + news-weighted * (1 - leverage-level)) 2
      set news-weighted news-final
      set news-final news-indirect
      set news-weighted news-final

to plot-opinions
  set-current-plot "Opinions"
  set-current-plot-pen "People"
  set-histogram-num-bars 75
  set-plot-y-range 0 5
  histogram [news-final] of people with [news-final != 0]

to update-colors-alternative
  ask people
    set size 1
    if color-by = "Information Level"     [set color (information-level * 140)]
    if color-by = "Knowledge Level"       [set color (knowledge-level * 140)]
    if color-by = "Political Orientation" [set color (political-orientation * 140)]

to update-colors
  ask people
    set size 1
    if color-by = "Information Level"    ;; [set color (information-level * 140)]
          if information-level  < 0.1 [ set color 15 ]
          if information-level >= 0.1 and information-level < 0.2[ set color 25 ]
          if information-level >= 0.2 and information-level < 0.3[ set color 35 ]
          if information-level >= 0.3 and information-level < 0.4[ set color 45 ]
          if information-level >= 0.4 and information-level < 0.5[ set color 55 ]
          if information-level >= 0.5 and information-level < 0.6[ set color 65 ]
          if information-level >= 0.6 and information-level < 0.7[ set color 75 ]
          if information-level >= 0.7 and information-level < 0.8[ set color 85 ]
          if information-level >= 0.8 and information-level < 0.9[ set color 95 ]
          if information-level >= 0.9 [ set color 105 ]
    if color-by = "Knowledge Level"
          if knowledge-level  < 0.1 [ set color 15 ]
          if knowledge-level >= 0.1 and knowledge-level < 0.2[ set color 25 ]
          if knowledge-level >= 0.2 and knowledge-level < 0.3[ set color 35 ]
          if knowledge-level >= 0.3 and knowledge-level < 0.4[ set color 45 ]
          if knowledge-level >= 0.4 and knowledge-level < 0.5[ set color 55 ]
          if knowledge-level >= 0.5 and knowledge-level < 0.6[ set color 65 ]
          if knowledge-level >= 0.6 and knowledge-level < 0.7[ set color 75 ]
          if knowledge-level >= 0.7 and knowledge-level < 0.8[ set color 85 ]
          if knowledge-level >= 0.8 and knowledge-level < 0.9[ set color 95 ]
          if knowledge-level >= 0.9 [ set color 105 ]
     if color-by = "Social Leverage"
          if leverage-level  < 0.1 [ set color 15 ]
          if leverage-level >= 0.1 and leverage-level < 0.2[ set color 25 ]
          if leverage-level >= 0.2 and leverage-level < 0.3[ set color 35 ]
          if leverage-level >= 0.3 and leverage-level < 0.4[ set color 45 ]
          if leverage-level >= 0.4 and leverage-level < 0.5[ set color 55 ]
          if leverage-level >= 0.5 and leverage-level < 0.6[ set color 65 ]
          if leverage-level >= 0.6 and leverage-level < 0.7[ set color 75 ]
          if leverage-level >= 0.7 and leverage-level < 0.8[ set color 85 ]
          if leverage-level >= 0.8 and leverage-level < 0.9[ set color 95 ]
          if leverage-level >= 0.9 [ set color 105 ]
    if color-by = "Political Orientation"
          if political-orientation  < 0.1 [ set color 15 ]
          if political-orientation >= 0.1 and political-orientation < 0.2[ set color 25 ]
          if political-orientation >= 0.2 and political-orientation < 0.3[ set color 35 ]
          if political-orientation >= 0.3 and political-orientation < 0.4[ set color 45 ]
          if political-orientation >= 0.4 and political-orientation < 0.5[ set color 55 ]
          if political-orientation >= 0.5 and political-orientation < 0.6[ set color 65 ]
          if political-orientation >= 0.6 and political-orientation < 0.7[ set color 75 ]
          if political-orientation >= 0.7 and political-orientation < 0.8[ set color 85 ]
          if political-orientation >= 0.8 and political-orientation < 0.9[ set color 95 ]
          if political-orientation >= 0.9 [ set color 105 ]
        if color-by = "Information Received" 
          if info-n = 0 [set color red]
          if info-n = 1 [set color orange]
          if info-n = 2 [set color cyan]
          if info-n = 3 [set color green]
        if color-by = "Party" 
          if party = (- 1) [set color red ] 
          if party =    0  [set color yellow] 
          if party = (  1) [set color cyan] 
        if color-by = "Agreement" 
          if agreement-n = 0 [set color red]
          if agreement-n = 1 [set color orange]
          if agreement-n = 2 [set color cyan]
          if agreement-n = 3 [set color green]

to reset-information
  ask people
    set info-L-received false
    set info-C-received false
    set info-R-received false
    set info-n 0
    set data-L 0
    set data-C 0
    set data-R 0
    set news-weighted 0
    set news-indirect 0
    set news-final 0
    set weight-L 0
    set weight-C 0
    set weight-R 0
    set agreement-L 0
    set agreement-C 0
    set agreement-R 0
    set agreement-n 0
  set info-counter 0
  set knowledge-counter 0
  set political-counter 0

to reset-knowledge
  ask people
    set data-L 0
    set data-C 0
    set data-R 0
    set news-weighted 0
    set news-indirect 0
    set news-final 0
    set weight-L 0
    set weight-C 0
    set weight-R 0
    set agreement-L 0
    set agreement-C 0
    set agreement-R 0
    set agreement-n 0
    set comp-err 0 
    set pol-err 0
  set knowledge-counter 0
  set political-counter 0

to reset-political
  ask people
    set news-weighted 0
    set news-indirect 0
    set news-final 0
    set weight-L 0
    set weight-C 0
    set weight-R 0
    set agreement-L 0
    set agreement-C 0
    set agreement-R 0
    set agreement-n 0
    set comp-err 0 
    set pol-err 0
  set knowledge-counter 0
  set political-counter 0

to reset-leverage
  ask people
    set news-indirect 0        
    set news-final 0
    set agreement-n 0
  set knowledge-counter 0
  set political-counter 0