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breed [workers worker] breed [firms firm] workers-own [myFirm productivity friends pastFirm myFriends My_Friends] firms-own [employees wage_rate total_productivity workers_hired average_productivity past_employees] to setup ca setup-patches setup-workers setup-firms friend reset-ticks end to setup-patches ask patches [set pcolor blue] end to setup-workers create-workers initial_lowP_workers [set color red set productivity 1.0 set friends random 4] create-workers initial_medP_workers [set color yellow set productivity 2.0 set friends random 4] create-workers initial_highP_workers [set color green set productivity 3.0 set friends random 4] ask workers [ set shape "person" set size 1 setxy random-xcor random-ycor set myFirm nobody set pastFirm [] set myFriends [] set My_Friends[] ] end to setup-firms create-firms initial_lowW_firms [set size 1.5 set wage_rate 1.0] create-firms initial_medW_firms [set size 2.0 set wage_rate 2.0] create-firms initial_highW_firms [set size 2.5 set wage_rate 3.0] ask firms [ set shape "factory" set color white setxy random-xcor random-ycor set employees [] set past_employees [] ] end to friend ask workers with [ myFriends = []] [ if friends = 3 [ set myFriends workers with [friends = 3] ask myFriends [set My_Friends lput myself My_Friends]] if friends = 2 [ set myFriends workers with [friends = 2] ask myFriends [set My_Friends lput myself My_Friends]] if friends = 1 [ set myFriends workers with [friends = 1] ask myFriends [set My_Friends lput myself My_Friends]]] end to go search-for-job show-firms hire-workers show-workers research-for-job ;do-plots if (count firms with [ color = white ]) = 0 [stop] if (count workers with [ size = 1] + count workers with [ size = 2 ]) = 0 [stop] tick end to search-for-job ask workers [ ifelse discrimination? and ticks > (discrimination) [ ask workers with [myFirm = nobody and size = 1 and myFriends != [] ] [ move-to one-of myFriends with [size = 2 and myFirm != nobody ] set myFirm one-of firms with [color = white] in-radius 0 if myFirm != nobody [set size 2 ask myFirm [set employees lput myself employees set total_productivity (sum [ productivity] of workers-here with [myFirm != nobody]) set workers_hired (count workers-here with [myFirm != nobody]) set average_productivity (total_productivity / workers_hired) ]]] ] [ ask workers [ if myFirm = nobody and pastFirm = [] [ set myFirm one-of firms with [color = white] in-radius (searchRadius) if myFirm != nobody [set size 2 move-to myFirm ask myFirm [set employees lput myself employees set total_productivity (sum [productivity] of workers-here with [myFirm != nobody]) set workers_hired (count workers-here with [ myFirm != nobody]) set average_productivity (total_productivity / workers_hired) ]]] if myFirm = nobody and pastFirm != [ ] [ set myFirm one-of firms with [color = white] in-radius (searchRadius) if myFirm != nobody and [who] of myFirm != length pastFirm [set size 2 move-to myFirm ask myFirm [set employees lput myself employees set total_productivity (sum [productivity] of workers-here with [myFirm != nobody]) set workers_hired (count workers-here with [myFirm != nobody]) set average_productivity (total_productivity / workers_hired) ]]]] ] ] end to show-firms ask firms [ show length employees ] end to hire-workers ask firms with [employees != []] [ if average_productivity = wage_rate [set color black ask workers-here with [ myFirm != nobody] [set size 3.5 ]] if average_productivity < wage_rate [ ask min-one-of workers-here with [ myFirm != nobody] [productivity] [set size 1 set pastFirm lput myself pastFirm ask myFirm [ set employees remove myself employees set past_employees lput myself past_employees] set myFirm nobody ] ] if average_productivity > wage_rate [ ask max-one-of workers-here with [ myFirm != nobody] [productivity] [set size 1 set pastFirm lput myself pastFirm ask myFirm [ set employees remove myself employees set past_employees lput myself past_employees] set myFirm nobody ]] ] end to show-workers ask firms [ show length past_employees set workers_hired ( count workers-here with [myFirm != nobody] ) set total_productivity ( sum [ productivity] of workers-here with [myFirm != nobody] ) ifelse employees = [] [set average_productivity 0 ] [set average_productivity (total_productivity / workers_hired) ] if length past_employees > 5 [set past_employees [] ] ] end to research-for-job ask workers with [myFirm = nobody] [ setxy random-xcor random-xcor] ask workers[ if length pastFirm > 5 [set pastFirm [] ]] end to do-plots set-current-plot "Unemployed workers" set-current-plot-pen "LowP_workers" plot count workers with [size = 1 and color = red] set-current-plot-pen "MedP_workers" plot count workers with [size = 1 and color = yellow] set-current-plot-pen "HighP_workers" plot count workers with [size = 1 and color = green] set-current-plot "Firms with jobs available" set-current-plot-pen "Firms with jobs available" plot count firms with [color = white] set-current-plot "Total unemployed workers" set-current-plot-pen "Unemployed workers" plot count workers with [size = 1] + count workers with [size = 2] end