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The project “Running corruption” models the behavior of two types of agents: the buyers and the sellers (i.e. suppliers and purchasing office managers of firms). We try to simulate a world where economic interactions take part between them, affecting the society’s general level of corruption.
Set the HOW MANY BUYERS and the HOW MANY SELLERS sliders to control the number of agents. Set the INITIAL HONESTY LEVEL slider, which works only before starting the simulation. Then click the SETUP button to create the world. The blue agents are the buyers, the yellow ones are the sellers. Click GO to start the simulation. By modifyng the RULE OF LAW, the DEMOCRATIC ACCOUNTABILITY and the number of buyers and sellers, the agent’s behavior will be modified, obtaining honest or corrupt transactions.
The program assigns each agent a propensity to be corrupt, which determs whether the transactions will be honest instead of corrupt. This propensity is determined on a random microvariable combined with such variables the user can modify in the interface. The interaction between the agents could be controlled by setting the radius on the HOW DISTANT? slider. The agents will extend or reduce their view. Based on whether the agents around them will be honest or corrupt, their propensity to the corruption will be affected, modifying their behavior.
Try to make the agents interacting as maximum as possible. However, the program will have to make a lot of calculus, so it will become slow. Let’s have a cup of tea!
You might introduce interactions as in the model “Segregation - Uri Wilensky”. Many sellers could be “unhappy” since they don’t have enough same-color neighbors. The unhappy agents move to new locations in the vicinity. But in the new locations, the surrounding agents’s behavior will be affected, and other sellers will be prompted to leave.
Uri Wilensky (1997). Segregation.
Pietro Terna (2012). Interacting buyers and sellers.
breed [sellers seller] breed [buyers buyer] buyers-own [microVariable Propensity] sellers-own [microVariable Propensity] globals [#Agents radius T numberCorrupt numberNon GHL honestyLevel NT s b ] to setup clear-all reset-ticks set honestyLevel initialHonestyLevel create setMicroVariable setVariable end to create if howManyBuyers + howManySellers > count patches - 50 [ user-message (word "This society only has room for "( count patches - 50) " agents.") stop ] create-buyers howManyBuyers [setxy random-xcor random-ycor findNewSpot set color blue set shape "house" ] create-sellers howManySellers [setxy random-xcor random-ycor findNewSpot set color yellow set shape "person" ] end to findNewSpot while [any? other turtles-here] [lt random 360 repeat 5 [fd 0.5] ] move-to patch-here end to setMicroVariable ask buyers [ set microVariable random-float 10 + 0.5 ] ask sellers [ set microVariable random-float 8 + 0.5 ] end to setVariable set #Agents howManyBuyers + howManySellers set radius howDistant? set GHL honestyLevel * 0.461 + ruleOfLaw * 0.204 + democraticAccountability * 0.180 + ((ln #Agents ) * -0.2) if GHL < 0 [set GHL 0] ask turtles [ setPropensity ] end to setPropensity set Propensity (GHL * (0.1) + microVariable * 0.7) end to go set-current-plot "General Honesty Level" plot GHL bornDie getThreshold checkAround act fixNewLevelHonesty setVariable tick end to bornDie if howManyBuyers + howManySellers > count patches - 50 [ user-message (word "This society only has room for "( count patches - 50) " agents.") stop ] ask one-of turtles [ set b howManyBuyers - count buyers while [b != 0] [ifelse b < 0 [kill][generate]] set s howManySellers - count sellers while [s != 0] [ifelse s < 0 [kill][generate]] ] end to kill ask n-of abs(b) buyers [die] ask n-of abs(s) sellers [die] bornDie end to generate ask one-of patches with[not any? turtles-here] [ sprout-buyers b [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color blue set shape "house" set microVariable random-float 10 + 0.5 setPropensity findNewSpot ] sprout-sellers s [setxy random-xcor random-ycor set color yellow set shape "person" set microVariable random-float 8 + 0.5 setPropensity findNewSpot ] bornDie ] end to getThreshold set numberCorrupt 0 set numberNon 0 set T 6 + (0.4 * standard-deviation [Propensity] of turtles) end to checkAround ask turtles [ while [any? other turtles with [breed = [breed] of myself] in-radius radius with [color = red or color = green ]] [lookAround stop] ] end to lookAround let r count other turtles in-radius radius with [breed = [breed] of myself and color = red ] / (count other turtles in-radius radius with [breed = [breed] of myself and color = green ] + count other turtles in-radius radius with [breed = [breed] of myself and color = red ] ) ifelse r > 0.5 [set Propensity Propensity - (1 + random-float 0.5 + r)] [set Propensity Propensity + (2 + random-float 0.5 - r)] if Propensity < 0 [set Propensity 0] end to act ask sellers [ move negotiate countTransaction getColor findNewSpot ] end to move while [not any? buyers-here] [lt random 360 fd 1 move] end to negotiate let jb item 0 [Propensity] of buyers-here let js item 0 [Propensity] of sellers-here if T < jb and T < js [ifelse random-float 1 < 0.05 [set NT 1] [set NT 0]] if T > jb and T > js [ifelse random-float 1 < 0.95 [set NT 1] [set NT 0]] if T < jb and T > js [ifelse random-float 1 < 0.6 [set NT 1] [set NT 0]] if T > jb and T < js [ifelse random-float 1 < 0.4 [set NT 1] [set NT 0]] end to countTransaction ifelse NT = 0 [set numberNon numberNon + 1] [set numberCorrupt numberCorrupt + 1] end to getColor ask turtles-here [ ifelse NT = 0 [set color green set size 1.3] [set color red set size 1] ] end to fixNewLevelHonesty set-current-plot "% transactions" set-current-plot-pen "Total transactions" plot 100 set-current-plot-pen "Total /2" plot 50 set-current-plot-pen "Non corrupt " plot (numberNon / (numberCorrupt + numberNon)) * 100 set-current-plot "# Agents" set-current-plot-pen "# Sellers " plot count sellers set-current-plot-pen "# Buyers" plot count buyers set-current-plot "Interaction" set-current-plot-pen "How distant? " plot howDistant? let r numberCorrupt / (numberCorrupt + numberNon) ifelse r > 0.5 [set honestyLevel GHL + (10 * r *(1.66 - exp r) - random-float (r * 3))] [set honestyLevel GHL - (5 * (0.65 + ln (r + 0.01)) + random-float 2)] if honestyLevel < 0 [set honestyLevel 0] end ; Copyright 2012 Silvia Casale - Matteo Kersbamer - Luca Piero Aldo Rosazza Gat.