Benedetta Bianchi Cristina Platon

Simulation models for economics

Project work on

"Wage Pension Migration."


The applet requires Java 1.4.1 or higher. It will not run on Windows 95 or Mac OS 8 or 9. Mac users must have OS X 10.2.6 or higher and use a browser that supports Java 1.4. (Safari works, IE does not. Mac OS X comes with Safari. Open Safari and set it as your default web browser under Safari/Preferences/General.) On other operating systems, you may obtain the latest Java plugin from Sun's Java site.

Read here to understand HOW THE MODEL WORKS

Model 1: average wage and personal tax. There are two sliders for each country. The age of retirement is the same, 65, everywhere.

Model 2: there are 3 distributions of income which the experimenter can choose from, namely random drawing, normal distribution and gamma distribution. The respective parameters can be changed from the sliders. The age of retirement is the same, 65, everywhere.