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view/download model file: wuold_be_city_and_pedestrians.nlogo
This model represents a would-be city in which cars wait for allowing people to cross the road, pedestrians cross just in precise places.
Click on the SETUP button to set up the roads, trees, offices, schools, people and cars. Set the number of people and cars through the sliders.
Click on the GO button to make move cars and people.
Cars move along the streets, people walk randomly. When a pedestrian crosses the street a car stops to enalbe she to pass beyond, then all cars continue moving on their path.
The colour of the patches of the streets may change, it depends on the people: once that a person is over a grey patch it affects its colour by changing it, it is useful as a signal for the cars. If a person crosses outside four fixed points it becomes red, she wounds herself.
The model works with any number of agents, it holds for both cars and people whose figure can be regulated with the sliders. Every time the system is setup with the SETUP button the agents are posed in different places but after a few whiles the final outcome will be the same: street patches change colour, cars wait, people cross the streets.
The wait command for the patches is used to allow the watcher to better see the colour change for the grey patches.
“Traffic Grid” for the functioning of the breaks of the cars.
breed [schools school] breed [trees tree] breed [cars car] breed [offices office] breed [people person] globals [#red #white] to setup ca reset-ticks setup-roads setup-schools setup-trees setup-offices setup-people setup-cars end to setup-roads ;coordinate per creare quattro incroci ask patches with [ pycor >= -8 and pycor < -7] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [ pycor >= 8 and pycor < 9] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [ pxcor >= -8 and pxcor < -7] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [ pxcor >= 8 and pxcor < 9] [set pcolor grey] end to setup-schools set-default-shape schools "house" create-schools 2 ask schools [ set size 4 set color yellow] ask school 0 [ setxy -6 -12] ask school 1 [ setxy 12 -5] end to setup-trees set-default-shape trees "tree" create-trees 2 ask trees [ set size 2 set color green] ask tree 2 [ setxy -6 -14] ask tree 3 [ setxy 14 -5] end to setup-offices set-default-shape offices "house" create-offices 2 ask offices [ set size 3 set color blue] ask office 4 [ setxy -10 1] ask office 5 [ setxy -1 10] end to setup-people set-default-shape people "person" create-people howManyPeople ask people [set size 1 set color white setxy random-pxcor random-pycor] end to setup-cars set-default-shape cars "car" create-cars howManyCars [set size 1 set color blue move-to one-of patches with [pcolor = grey] ] ask cars ;; le auto posizionate sulle strade verticali si muovono verso nord [if (pycor >= -8) and (pycor < -7) ;; le auto posizionate sulle strade orizzontali si muovono verso est [set heading 90] if (pycor >= 8) and (pycor < 9) [set heading 90] if (pxcor >= -8) and (pxcor < -7) [set heading 0] if (pxcor >= 8) and (pxcor < 9) [set heading 0] ] end to go ;reset move-cars walk change-color await-cars await-patches be-wrong execute improve tick end to move-cars ask cars ;le auto si muovono solo lungo le strade [if pycor = 8 [fd 1] if pycor = -8 [fd 1]] ask cars [if pxcor >= -8 and pxcor < -7 [set heading 0] fd 1 if pxcor >= 8 and pxcor < 9 [set heading 0] fd 1] end to walk ;; i pedoni si muovono a caso di 1 step alla volta ask people [fd 1] end to improve ask people [ if #red > #white [ifelse random-float 1 > 0.5 [set color white] [set color red] ] if #red < #white [ifelse random-float 1 < 0.5 [set color white] [set color red] ] ] end to change-color ;; quando un pedone attraversa la strada la patch cambia colore ask people with [ pycor >= -8 and pycor < -7] [set pcolor green] ask people with [ pycor >= 8 and pycor < 9] [set pcolor yellow] ask people with [ pxcor >= -8 and pxcor < -7] [set pcolor brown] ask people with [ pxcor >= 8 and pxcor < 9] [set pcolor pink] end to await-cars ask cars with [pycor = 8] [if pcolor = yellow [wait 0.0005]] ask cars with [pycor = -8] [if pcolor = green [wait 0.0005]] ask cars with [pxcor = -8] [if pcolor = brown [wait 0.0005]] ask cars with [pxcor = 8] [if pcolor = pink [wait 0.0005]] end to await-patches ask patches with [(pxcor < -3 and pxcor >= 2) and pycor = 8] [wait 0.0002] ask patches with [(pxcor < -3 and pxcor >= 2) and pycor = -8] [wait 0.0002] ask patches with [pxcor = -8 and (pycor >= -2 and pycor < 2)] [wait 0.0002] ask patches with [pxcor = 8 and (pycor >= -3 and pycor < 2)] [wait 0.0002] end to be-wrong ask people [if pcolor = yellow [set color red set #red #red + 1]] ask people [if pcolor = green [set color red set #red #red + 1]] ask people [if pcolor = brown [set color red set #red #red + 1]] ask people [if pcolor = pink [set color red set #red #red + 1]] end to execute ask people [ if (pxcor >= -3 and pxcor < 2) and pycor = 8 [set color white set #white #white + 1]] ask people [ if pxcor = -8 and (pycor >= -2 and pycor < 2) [set color white set #white #white + 1]] ask people [if pxcor = 8 and (pycor >= -3 and pycor < 2) [set color white set #white #white + 1]] ask people [if (pxcor >= -3 and pxcor < 2) and pycor = -8 [set color white set #white #white + 1]] end to reset set #red 0 set #white 0 end