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created with NetLogo
view/download model file: young_artist_selection.nlogo
The model tries to represent the selection of young artists within a particular geographic area.
The starting point is the strategic interaction between three agents: artists, intermediaries and public.
Through various meetings artists accumulate relational capital that let them become superstars.
The turtles represent the artists, while the patches represent both the intermediaries and the public.
All actors have to make a choice: make a high or low investment.
The meeting between agents who adopt the same strategy is profitable, and when the strategies are different the relational capital is reduced.
The choice of a high investment is the most profitable considering the background based on "opportunistic overcome."
When the artist score exceeds the threshold level he becomes a superstar. Graphically turns from blue to the red and moves forward the white area of the screen.
With SLIDERS, you can choose the number of galleries, artists and the threshold level that identifies the superstars.
The switch SHOW-SCORE shows the relational capital of each turtles.
The PLOT shows over time the growth in the number of superstars.
The white area of the screen has a conceptual significant but not physical.
That is why even those who are simply artists (blue) can pass through.
Interesting is trying to see how the number of superstars change when the galleries take the minimum or maximum. Try using the slider.
It might be interesting to represent what strategy tends to become predominant analyzing different backgrounds.
Sacco P.L., Santagata W., Trimarchi M., 2005, L’arte contemporanea italiana nel mondo, Skira, Milano.
Santagata W., 2007, La fabbrica della cultura, Il Mulino, Bologna.
Santagata W., 2001, Produrre cultura II, Celid, Torino.
Santagata W., 1998, Economia dell’arte, Utet, Torino.
Terna P.,Boero R., Morini M., Sonnessa M., 2006,Modelli per la complessità –La simulazione ad agenti in economia, Il Mulino, Bologna.